tire on rim question

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tire on rim question

Post by Immabum911 »

i just bought a rim and tire combo that is a 150 70 18 to fit on my fzr 400 which the current rim wheel combo is 160 60 18. now the problem is, is that i want to remove the tire off of the 150 70 18 to the rim with the 160 60 18. the rim with the 150 is a 18 x 3.5 and the current 160 rim size is a 18 x 4.0... is this going to be possible to do??
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Re: tire on rim question

Post by dru86 »

so you want to put the 150 wide tyre on the 4" wide rim? If so that is not a problem (it's actually closer to the proper size tyre for that rim). I wouldn't go the other way though.
fzr660/400: fzr400 3en1 frame, 3en2 swinger, custom single seat subframe, fzr660 motor conversion, APE adjustable cam gears, full D&D 4-2-1 exhaust, falicon clutch basket, ignitech ignition, R6 front end with tz250 wheel, ohlins shock, storz steering damper, tzr250 rear wheel.

weighs 166kg wet (25kg lighter than my stock fzr600).
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