Washed my bike the other week and my indicators started going crazy, after a few days they were fine...
Then a few dry days later my all in one tail light started playing up so I bought a new one thinking that was my fault, turns out its exactly the same! So Im assuming a have a crossed wire/earth or some sort of connection issue. I have double checked all the wires TWICE... Still nothing...
Can't ride it anywhere at the moment as I have stripped it of panels/seat/rear lights etc as the panels are being resprayed. Any ideas/help on the issue would be highly appreciated as I need to fix it for the Southend ride

(I have a fzr400 1wg 1986 with a R6 5sl 2004 rear end and an all in one tail light/indicator)
When I say indicators are going crazy, I mean when I put the indicator on the tail light looks like a disco
Red yellow red yellow
Rather than red and yellow