Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

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Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by tomsljr »

I just saw this ... 257wt_1128

Do any of you fine folks know what is up with this thing? I don't need one, just was curious.
1990 FZR400 with some mods
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Re: Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by ragedigital »

I'm sure Don can shed some light on what they're doing...
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Re: Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by RoadDogma »

Not sure of current policy, but regulations in Japan (80's-90's) required speed limiters on motorcycles. (There are similar restrictions for certain riders in the UK as well). Many Japanese model bikes end-up in other countries. I road a Jap spec RG400 Gama in Thailand that would rev-limit above 120 Km/H. It really sucked trying to keep up with my friend who was on a US spec GSXR750. :swear Looks like some Chinese Ebayer has decided to slang aftermarket ECUs to circumvent the speed restriction on these bikes. Kinda redundant for folks with non-restricted models.
FZR400 (1WG): Purchased a perfectly good FZR400 with Yoshimura slip-on/EXUP, Yosh jet kit, Factory ignition advance, Racetech springs and emulators. It even had great bodywork. Like some diseased maniac I had to mess with everything good about that bike. Well, at least I have better brakes now.

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Re: Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by DonTZ125 »

My first thought has always been, This guy is speaking from whence the sun shineth not. Most of the models he describes simply aren't restricted! The power restrictions came in ~ 92-93, so a Japanese market '87-88 1WG wouldn't have any such thing. They do mention improved advance curves - who knows what that entails. Certainly, if I ever get my programmable ignitor off the ground the base map will be advanced the 5deg that RR and Factory Pro advocate.
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Re: Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by RoadDogma »

I was living in Asia '87-'89, and power restrictions on Japanese models were in effect. The aforementioned Gama experience was in '88.

Regardless, best of luck with the programmable ignitor. I also ride a Yamaha SuperJet ("JetSki"). Someone in the community figured out the rev limit circuit so that a trim-pot could be used to set it. Would be cool thing for the FZR.
FZR400 (1WG): Purchased a perfectly good FZR400 with Yoshimura slip-on/EXUP, Yosh jet kit, Factory ignition advance, Racetech springs and emulators. It even had great bodywork. Like some diseased maniac I had to mess with everything good about that bike. Well, at least I have better brakes now.

FZR400RR (3TJ):Yeah, it's pink.
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Re: Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by dru86 »

I'm fairly sure the 3en1 (1988 non US fzr400) was speed limited to 180km/h, at least the Japanese one I had was.

Edit: for that much money you might as well get something like the ignitech TCI i think i got mine for about $150US
fzr660/400: fzr400 3en1 frame, 3en2 swinger, custom single seat subframe, fzr660 motor conversion, APE adjustable cam gears, full D&D 4-2-1 exhaust, falicon clutch basket, ignitech ignition, R6 front end with tz250 wheel, ohlins shock, storz steering damper, tzr250 rear wheel.

weighs 166kg wet (25kg lighter than my stock fzr600).
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Re: Weird FZR400 CDI for sale on ebay

Post by taggy »

all fzr 400 were restricted except the 4dx (3tj british model), theres a few ways to get past this, first fit a kmh to mph convertor (the gold mechanical one) which means the limiter won't kick in till 180 mph so no worries of reaching that!!!!!
Or fit an mmax box if you can find one! I've got one with japanese instructions, yet to find someone to translate it!
The 3tj can be 'fixed' by having the cdi fiddled with. But generally the mechanical speed convertor is the cheapest and easiest way to do it!
Be careful with some of the ones like this for sale as they don't always have the correct number of pins for the model they state, i got one for a 3en1 but it had two less pins on each port, fitted the 3tj though!
Fzr400 3tj x2
fzr400 3en1 (17in conversion) now gone its way in parts!
'94 cbr 900rr
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