FZR400 SPARKPLUGS, longest life?

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FZR400 SPARKPLUGS, longest life?

Post by tickledawson »

hi guys... my project is nearly finished, iv finally started putting her back together...

but i need to replace the spark plugs, and wanted ones that would be good for the engine making her last forever more...

its the 86 genesis (1WG)
let me know please guys...

also... does anyone know the top speed of these beasts? (as standard)
as iv checked comparison sites but there all giving different speeds :tard:

cheers guys
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Re: FZR400 SPARKPLUGS, longest life?

Post by haro504 »

i usually end up getting nkg plugs and your top speed depends on your gearing probally why you get different numbers im not sure what stock is though
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Re: FZR400 SPARKPLUGS, longest life?

Post by ragedigital »

tickledawson wrote:and wanted ones that would be good for the engine making her last forever more...
I doubt spark plugs have much to do with longevity of the engine. However, NGK does make plugs with Iridium that should ensure long life - at least for the spark plugs.
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