Anyone know if FZR400 alloy pillion hangers/pegs fit FZR600?

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Anyone know if FZR400 alloy pillion hangers/pegs fit FZR600?

Post by thatkid »

As topic says, im looking @ these 1992 YAMAHA FZR400 3TJ PILLION PEGS, I.E. are the hanger to frame mounting holes the same measurement eye to eye? I can adjust the end can bracket to accommodate the right hanger with no problem.

I'm looking to swap my pillion pegs to some nice alloy one's so I can polish/improve the appearance, without any modifications to the rear subframe.

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Re: Anyone know if FZR400 alloy pillion hangers/pegs fit FZR600?

Post by yamaha_george »

mawler wrote:As topic says, im looking @ these 1992 YAMAHA FZR400 3TJ PILLION PEGS, I.E. are the hanger to frame mounting holes the same measurement eye to eye? I can adjust the end can bracket to accommodate the right hanger with no problem.

I'm looking to swap my pillion pegs to some nice alloy one's so I can polish/improve the appearance, without any modifications to the rear subframe.

It may be an "urban myth" that there is a model of 400 that fits the 600. I have two sets sitting idle that DO NOT fit
a 1wg & 3tn (Allegedly ) they look the same as each other (odd in my mind) I figure someone selling knew Jack about the model & palmed them at a fiver approx a set what the hell.

I could ask about the mounting hole distance IF I knew it :-} on a racer boy 400 list in europe.
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Re: Anyone know if FZR400 alloy pillion hangers/pegs fit FZR600?

Post by RoadDogma »

Spacing for the 3TJ hanger mounts is 60mm. 1WG spacing is 75mm-80mm. (Looks like 78mm)

If the holes don't align, I'm sure you could fabricate some kind of adapter.
FZR400 (1WG): Purchased a perfectly good FZR400 with Yoshimura slip-on/EXUP, Yosh jet kit, Factory ignition advance, Racetech springs and emulators. It even had great bodywork. Like some diseased maniac I had to mess with everything good about that bike. Well, at least I have better brakes now.

FZR400RR (3TJ):Yeah, it's pink.

Re: Anyone know if FZR400 alloy pillion hangers/pegs fit FZR600?

Post by thatkid »

Thanks for that, I'd just noticed a cheap set and Ebay. I've just measured mine they are approx 105mm, I'll give them a miss. I've also considered grinding the mount off the subframe, then grabbing some later R6 one's the type that hang below the subframe rail, and bolt in from the top. I want things to look tidy.

Thanks again.
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