FZR400 Oil Cooler

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FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by ragedigital »

Can anyone give me imformation concerning an oil cooler for the FZR400? Any idea who made them? Cost? What I would expect to pay?

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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by shift »

you might be just as well finding an oil cooler from a sv 650 (or similar bike) and making some metal tabs to mount to existing bolts yourself. it's an idea i've thought of pursuing myself.
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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by ragedigital »

I guess I should have clarified myself a little better. I have one already, but know little about it. I wanted to put some information along with it in the WIKI and Gallery.

This is a photo of it:

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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by haunter »

no idea really.

looks like installs under the filter and mounts under the radiator though :thumbsup:
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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by dru86 »

Looks very much like a stock Yamaha one with replaced lines. They came stock on several models including some of the early non US fzr600s, here' a poor pic of the one that came on my 89 fzr600.


You will need to get that big hollow union nut thing you can see in the middle of mine to hold it on(part 7 below). If you using the older cartridge style filter the rest just bolts straight down onto the cooler housing, If your using the spin on filter type you will need to remove ~3mm so that the top of the nut doesn't protrude past the rest of the housing.

This is from an 88 fz600


1 4K0-13461-01-00 PLATE, ADAPTOR
2 2H9-13493-00-00 PLUNGER
3 90501-12413-00 SPRING, COMPRESSION
4 90209-06173-00 WASHER, SPECL SHAPE
5 99009-17500-00 CIRCLIP
6 93210-87723-00 O-RING
7 90401-20089-00 BOLT, UNION
8 90201-25526-00 WASHER, PLATE (T2.0)
9 2AX-13464-00-00 HOSE, OIL
10 2AX-13465-00-00 HOSE, OIL
11 93210-10197-00 O-RING
12 91316-06016-00 BOLT
13 3KM-13470-00-00 OIL COOLER ASSEMBLY
14 90480-12475-00 GROMMET
15 90387-060A7-00 COLLAR
16 90209-06174-00 WASHER
17 95826-06020-00 BOLT, FLANGE
18 90480-16284-00 GROMMET
19 90462-10066-00 CLAMP
20 90462-12140-00 CLAMP
21 90387-07598-00 COLLAR
22 91316-06025-00 BOLT
23 95311-06600-00 NUT
fzr660/400: fzr400 3en1 frame, 3en2 swinger, custom single seat subframe, fzr660 motor conversion, APE adjustable cam gears, full D&D 4-2-1 exhaust, falicon clutch basket, ignitech ignition, R6 front end with tz250 wheel, ohlins shock, storz steering damper, tzr250 rear wheel.

weighs 166kg wet (25kg lighter than my stock fzr600).
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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by haunter »

surprising the plate is only like 45 bucks
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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by ragedigital »

Yeah, take a look at the oil cooler assembly - $250+ WOOT

The oil cooler assembly I have is a bit smaller and seems very ridgid. I don't think you can bend the fins on what I have.

Looks like she'll hit eBay soon... any idea what I can get out of this thing?

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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by haunter »

20 shipped prolly

but I'll give you 25 shipped :whistle

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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by bweight »

Not sure what it'll fetch off Fleabay, but I'm sure you'll get your money's worth.. I think I just figured out my overheating issues that I had last year.. I rigged a switch to override the fan so I could turn it on when I wanted it to come on.. Well, now that I have bought a 2nd rad, I was looking in the garage today, and my old fan is still on there.. So why not take the fan off the back of the rad, flip it around and mount it to the front to blow the air back into the rad from the front..

I took off the old fan from the old rad, and brought it to the bike.. Low and behold, there's mounts on the front of the rad as well.. who knew? This thing'll bolt right on and I'll just wire it into the same circuit as the fan that's already on the rad..

That should eliminate ANY heating issues I did have...

Anyways, back on topic.. If I was allowed to spend any more on the bike, I'd snag that from you, but I'm not allowed..

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Re: FZR400 Oil Cooler

Post by AlaskanFZR400 »

ragedigital wrote:Can anyone give me imformation concerning an oil cooler for the FZR400? Any idea who made them? Cost? What I would expect to pay?

Hey Darrin,

Use the Yamaha FZ600 oil cooler. They can be found on fleybay pretty cheap for the whole set up. This winter my 400 is being fitted with a CBR600F2 radiator and the FZ600 oil cooler. I will have custom oil hoses made so everything looks new and the legnths are right. My bike just gets hotter then hell when driving around town.
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