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Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:57 pm
by madchild
What,s the craic lads, i went to take off the stator there this evenin and it wouldn,t come out of the casing.
It seems like it has been a long time since it was removed i have sprayed some wd 40 in there i,ll let it sit for a few hours but if it doesn,t free up what could i do i don,t want to smack the casing in case i crack or break it any suggestions?
I want it out so i can clean the casing for respraying.
I know a good belt of a rubber mallet might shock it free but it might also bust it in bits ya know :headscratch:

Re: Stator

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:48 pm
by SouthendChris
The screws that hold it in the casing have a load of threadlock on them to stop the stator coming loose and clouting the flywheel. You could try warming up the stator housing the other side to the mounting screws to free up the threadlock a bit. Dont get heat/naked flame near the stator though!


Re: Stator

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:23 pm
by GreyImport
Leave the hammers on the bench :duh: :rofl:

Use a hexkey socket like thing I ever bought.......


If u need more grunt then use something like this....its all about leverage, not brute force ....which tends to break things :grinnod:

Just use slow and steadily increasing pressure


Or if u only have a normal hex key slide on a piece of pipe slightly larger and longer to give u some grip and leverage.
The pipe extension method works well on the socket wrench also

My weapons for threadlocked and rusted nuts and bolts....... :thumbsup:


Re: Stator

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:10 pm
by DonTZ125
Thread lock breaks down under heat. If red locktite was used (it should have been blue), without heat you'll round the heads out of the Allen screws before you get them loose. Carefully get in there with a heat gun or torch.

Re: Stator

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:30 am
by madchild
Sorry i should have mentioned i have the bolts out it,s the actual stator that seems to be stuck to the casing.

Although looking at it this mornin it seems like it might free up there is a little play in it now :tks:

Yep got it free from the casing but the two screws just above the stator itself are stuck. I thought i put some wd on it last night can,t remember though i was :drink:
Anyhow i,ll battle on.