I own a -92 FZR600 with a slight electrical issue. My VR broke down on the highway causing the battery to boil and toasting some components of the electrical system.
I switched the VR to the newer one, replaced the battery and changed a total of 8 bulbs in the bike... The worst part however is that I have had a small fire in my ECU.
I'm having spark on cyl 1&4 but not the rest and my tachometer is not working. The missing spark should be an easy fix since the transistor for cyl 3&2 is broke. The Tachometer however is a different task. From what I've figured out so far some of the burnt parts in the CDI are dedicated for the tachometer. I will give it a try to change these parts, 4 resistors and one zener diode but I would need some help with identification. So if there is someone out there who has an open TDI/TID-box and would be kind to provide me with a picture where I can see the color coding of the parts inside the yellow circle, then I would be really happy

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