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Headlights Fuse issue

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:30 pm
by Cursed94FZR600
So since the weather has been nicer, I've been out riding more and more. last weekend i noticed that my headlights weren't working again. so i checked the fuse and it was blown again. the second or third in a week or so. i have checked the VR and it is putting out the correct amount of juice. any ideas on what else it could be. I've been though the wiring and i don't have any loose connectors.

the bike is the dual headlight version. i was wondering if the 20A fuse would be enough for those lights. The only reason i think it could be the incorrect size is b/c when i talked with a few electrical engineers they were all surprised there wasn't a 25 or 30 A fuse there.

Anybody had any experience with this problem before?

Thanks for the help
David M.

Re: Headlights Fuse issue

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:41 am
by cad600
Sorry no one has answered this for you. I know you looked over the wiring, but look again. Is it only the headlights that are out or are there other lights items like the idiot lights and tach that do not work as well. If you have other items that do not work too, it is a wire that is grounding out and popping the fuse. If it is only the headlights, then check the start button. It is a common failure for the lights. I would remove the switch to see if any wires are lose of frayed inside it. Another one is to just jiggle or very slightly press (not enough to activate the starter) and see if the lights come back on (assuming the fuse is not blown).

As for the size of the fuse, it should be OK. The fuse size was determined so that it would blow the fuse before something else can happen. Personally, I did put a fuse in mine that was 5 amp higher (25 instead of 20). But I was trying to track down the reason behind the blown fuses and wanted to make sure I did not have a defective fuse.

Re: Headlights Fuse issue

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:18 am
by sparkles
Funny that as my headlights done work on my 1990 fzr6 3he. . the fuses are ok and i know the wiring is ok as have been throw it a few times even tried another wiring loom just for headlights and had same result (wouldnt work)

Everything else works.

I know that one of the fuses does the tacho , indicators, brake lights , ignition lights as thats blown in past and replaced it . . found out what caused that to blow a few times

Re: Headlights Fuse issue

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:54 pm
by Cursed94FZR600
check the harness for any kind of sheering of the wiring harness. my problem was solved by eliminating a short in the front of the bike.