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RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:09 pm
by SilverJS
Hi all,
OK, so MZSilves is not answering his e-mails. So, I guess I'll have to make my own adapter for the RPM. There is a link on the WIKI to a diagram - anybody actually built this successfully?
Question : Is the converter not supposed to DOUBLE the RPM, as opposed to halve it like this one does?
Any other diagrams out there for this converter box? My dad will be in town in a month, but I'm away for the next three weeks...=) So, I am kind of getting time-squeezed to get this converter, it's the last piece I need to finish this mod (and the bike!!).
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:21 pm
by 95FZR600
I talked with Mszilves and he was working on a come back here. Ill try him again. Get with r3tard(Brad), he was thinking of making one for himself.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:40 pm
by shredex
if the meterials are cheap...(stays under $25 for everything) then Ill build one.
as long as you can solder, I say make yours....
im kinda cunfused though...if Mszilves made the converter, then why did geo make the diagram for it?
or is that diagram for a different digital guage?
*off topic*
think its possible to make a ignition advancer?
I say if anyone owns one, then make a diagram of how everything is connected then build one and see if it works!
or even the powerpak thing.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:16 pm
by megaloxana
shredex wrote:think its possible to make a ignition advancer?
easy, pull off the sensor off(the one inside the stator cover) and elongate the holes, shift the sensor over and you're done.
How about someone also make the speed healer, that seems to be the most expensive part.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:18 pm
by 95FZR600
I agree. The speedo healer is what we really need made.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:28 pm
by shredex
megaloxana wrote:shredex wrote:think its possible to make a ignition advancer?
easy, pull off the sensor off(the one inside the stator cover) and elongate the holes, shift the sensor over and you're done.
is that a joke?
how does moving a sensor that charges the battery, a ignition advancer??
How about someone also make the speed healer, that seems to be the most expensive part.
how much do they cost?
I have one...the dude I bought the bike from handed me the Speedohealer and speed sensor...
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:45 pm
by SilverJS
To get back on topic, that's what I'm saying about the converter : Where does MZSilves get his diagram? Did he make it himself? I somehow don't think that Geo's version is correct (but I do admit to knowing nothing) because Geo's halves the RPM, whereas it's my understanding the RPM needs to be DOUBLED for this to work properly (with 00-01 R1 gauges, at least - that's what I've got).
If someone can point me to a diagram that is PROVEN (i.e. MZSilves', for example - as far as I know, no one has built Geo's), I can certainly build it myself. Anybody have it?
And about the ignition advancer : it's my understanding this ignition pickup reacts to magnetic spots on the flywheel, so that moving it a bit ahead (or is it behind...?) changes the timing the ignition will be triggered relative to the pistons' position. Make sense...? That's the way it was in my RZ (and is in my TZR) anyhow. Very common mod on two-strokes.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:49 pm
by mossy1200
The 1000 is not possible because we have generator and pickup setup.
I am under the impression to advance our timing we need to retard in the cdi.
Eg 2deg advance equals 358deg retard.
I believe this is how the vance and hindes unit changes the ignition timing.
We have no plate to rotate.
If there is another way please advise as i want to run avation fuel in my race bike which has loger burn time than pump gas.
When i run more than 30%av gas i drop horses as burn is still happening at bottom of cylinder stroke.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:00 am
by shredex
im curious about the converter.
Mark, you need to call Mzsilves and see if he used Geos diagram.
i wish the converter was disigned to select different types of rpm conversions so it will work with every dash.
As for the Ignintion advancer, Ill make a new thread for that so we can talk about it there and stay on topic here..
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:40 pm
by SilverJS
R3tard, check mail. Let's see if we can build this.
Re: RPM Converter for R1 Gauges
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:33 pm
by 95FZR600
shredex wrote:im curious about the converter.
Mark, you need to call Mzsilves and see if he used Geos diagram.
i wish the converter was disigned to select different types of rpm conversions so it will work with every dash.
As for the Ignintion advancer, Ill make a new thread for that so we can talk about it there and stay on topic here..
Ill try and find out if that is his design and if R3tard wants to look at mine and make copies thats all good to.