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a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:07 pm
by 90fzr600nm
ok so i just bought the bike and now im having an electrical problem... first and foremost the rear taillights... they were melting through the red plastic cover and i replaced the lights and still same thing... so i looked over the wiring and the two green wires going to the lights were crimped together with one wire going to the rear... so i took that out and reconnected green to green and green/black to same... still same problem... then i noticed brake lights werent clicking on when i pulled front or back brakes... so the wires to the front master cylinder were off so i connected them and pulled it and instantly blew the fuse... so i have them seperated for no connection but the lights are still meting the plastic... any ideas or suggestions... i dont have a manual yet so im hoping to get help on here... also anyone have the list of appropriate fuses for the four fuse fusebox??? also i know this may not be electrical but my speedo is way way off... ill be doing 50 or so and it says im only going 30... can anyone point me in the direction of this problem... thanks a bunch...
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:59 pm
by mike94fzr600
here is wireing let me see if i can find the fuse info for you ... iagram.gif
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:22 pm
by 90fzr600nm
oh thank you so much that helps a ton... one more question... is the diagram color coded correctly?
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:51 pm
by 90fzr600nm
ok found the wiring is all rigged... the wires were connect to the headlights and the normal connectors... so i think i was getting over volted because of improper fuses... so im going to rip everything apart and redo the wiring tomorrow and ill let everyone see the wonderful pics tomorrow... luckily im waiting on the throttle cable to come in from yamaha so im not riding it... thanks guys will keep updated atleast once daily...
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:34 am
by megaloxana
Good luck on the wiring, hope it turns out well. As for the speedo, I had a smililar problem before and it ended up being just the cable had unscrewed from the back of the speedo.
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:44 pm
by 90fzr600nm
I went over all the wiring and found that the guy was running a wire straight from headlights to taillights... so i removed that and then found a 3 wire plug on the left side right by the deltabox sticker on the frame that was all melted... replaced and repaired wires... now the lights are still melting plastic cover on rear... any ideas??? also the wires going to the front master cylinder are off and i need to know what color goes to the front one and the back one or if it even matters... thanks...
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:52 pm
by 90fzr600nm
ok i found out the electrical problem... my rear brake switch was twisted inside and it was causing the two wires inside to arc and cause the light to stay on... causing the cover to melt... well i got that all figured out but now the blue wire is getting no signal at the rear plug right before the taillights... so i just have a wire running off the headlight fuse and everything seems to be working fine... thanks to everyone for thier suggestions...
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:37 pm
by shredex
now for some pics of your bike!
Re: a few electrical problems...
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:03 pm
by 90fzr600nm
yes it is... i will have pics up tomorrow in my introduction forum i originally posted...