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paint questions

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:09 pm
by haunter
I need to rattle can some stuff and hate painting and prep work so I dont know much about it

but I have a stock tank cover that needs love, but the YAMAHA's dont wanna come off, and the clear over the silky white is in great shape still

how can I get the clear off to paint over it or what should I do???

Acetone was suggested for the stickers

I used my heat gun but just would rather melt than peel off

Re: paint questions

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:11 pm
by haunter
of course, nate, i need to get some stuff from you still

I could just give it to you and let you take care of it for me :)

Re: paint questions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:00 am
by ragedigital
I wish I had good news, but I ended sanding my tank down. It is just in 2 many layers to try anything else. Came out alright though.

Re: paint questions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:32 am
by haunter

I should just buy another one!

Re: paint questions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:08 pm
by yamaha_george
haunter wrote:weak.

I should just buy another one!

Ahh but will it be any better ???

Sorry to say sanding is the only option I have found .
Once thro the clear though the decal will normally come off with a hair dryer NOT a heat gun that tends to damage the under lying paint & plastic .

You will have to find someone to sell you some elbow grease ......................

Re: paint questions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:21 pm
by haunter
oh I would buy one in primer if I bought another one!

Re: paint questions

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:58 pm
by deathcomesarippin
um yeah elbow grease thats how it usually works with paint and body work, and if you want to go that way..or have to, when you first start sanding down to get rid of the paint use some 80 grit, then sand the tank cover again with 120 grit to smooth it out for the primer (wipe it down after sanding to get rid of dust) after its smooth lay down the primer..sand the primer until its smooth use the 120 for this or wet sand it, then it should be good to put on the color you want. not to much work :mrgreen: ,but after its all said and done and you can step back see how good it looks its worth to me anyways haha.

and a heat gun is fine to get the stickers off just don't hold it to close and keep on one spot for a long time, start to peel the sticker of before you put heat on it are use a little to get it started then as your pulling the sticker off put heat on the area that is about to come off the tank cover... if any of what I said helps or makes sense haha.

Re: paint questions

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:01 pm
i have one in great shape, fresh paint(black) i can post pics if you want

Re: paint questions

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:09 pm
by thatkid
haunter wrote:of course, nate, i need to get some stuff from you still

I could just give it to you and let you take care of it for me :)
Yes you do.

No, no you couldn't. :-D

I used a random orbital sander to get through most of the paint. Then it was by hand. It's not a lot of fun but it sure is satisfying when you are done and looks super nice. Luckily I now have a paint guy that is dirt cheap. I don't have to do that crap anymore. :headbang:

Re: paint questions

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:45 am
by shredex
i used a sharp razor blade and snuck it under the decals that where on my bike and they peeled right off.

ruff sand with 80
then use 100-120 to fine it up,
then 150 to make it smoother
250-320 the primer (might need to repeat prime sand prime sand)
1st layer of paint
400-500 wet sand 1st layer then repeat for 3-4 layers.
1st layer clear coat
400-500 wet sand (repeat for all 3-8 layers of clear)
900, then like 2000-5000....then buff it out....

thing is...the clear takes up to 24 hours to 3-8 layers could mean 3-8 think its set and start sanding after about 2 hours, but its not and it f*ck it use a heat gun at a safe distance to accelerate the dry time

Re: paint questions

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:30 am
by haunter
thatkid wrote: It's not a lot of fun but it sure is satisfying when you are done and looks super nice. Luckily I now have a paint guy that is dirt cheap. I don't have to do that crap anymore. :headbang:

nice. I have heard of a good hceap guy but hes an hour plus south of here :(