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ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:48 pm
by XxxYoOoOxxX
Alright well shredex told me to come to you because you make custom fairings for people.

I need a custom made R6 or R1 Rear Fairing With a backseat cut on it.

I dont know what i need for a undertail do i need a custom one? Or can i use A fender eliminator?

Let me know asap!

Re: ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:02 pm
by haro504
your making this alot harder than it has to be just get an r6 tail you can try a bunch of different ways be in the end its gonna take abit of effort to change the tail. i would say use a r6 sub frame would be your easist route cause you only have to peice in the four points the other ways you have to do a bit of fabricating to use a passenger seat making supports. or just use a single seat like the airtech tail mine is on by just 2 bolts in the rear pretty easy

Re: ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:13 pm
by XxxYoOoOxxX
Yes i am doing the airtech tail..But i want to know if modking could make me a custom one with the undertail and have the rear fairing so i could put a back seat on it

Re: ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:46 pm
by shredex
mdking can make you a custom undertail for the airtech tail. he cant make you a whole airtech tail though.
you buy a airtech tail, then send it to him to make a undertail for.
Sorry if I made it seem he makes the tail.
he could probably do it though...modking has many skillz...
haro504 wrote:your making this alot harder than it has to be just get an r6 tail you can try a bunch of different ways be in the end its gonna take abit of effort to change the tail. i would say use a r6 sub frame would be your easist route cause you only have to peice in the four points the other ways you have to do a bit of fabricating to use a passenger seat making supports. or just use a single seat like the airtech tail mine is on by just 2 bolts in the rear pretty easy


Re: ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:11 pm
by XxxYoOoOxxX
O yea..I guess i didnt read what u said to me clearly

Re: ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:23 am
by haro504
i took a peice of 1/8 steel and bent it to the inside shape of the tail and bolted it to the sub frame so i could ride someone on it if i wanted to but it sqashed the rear shock

Re: ModKing I need you.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:50 pm
by modkingfzr600
p.m'ed ya bro