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99 fzr600 custom thoughts...need help/advice

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:19 pm
by turbo787
Hello guys and gals. Like the title states I have some thoughts. I have a 96 zx9r, complete, and a 99 fzr600r that I'm going to customize. So I thought maybe swaping the whole front end with triple tree from the zx9 over to the fzr along with the rear swingarm.... The issue is that I haven't found information in regards of the dimensions of the rear swing arm or the whole front end from either bike. I have looked at some but never shows the ones I have. So if anyone can help me with a plan of attack I would be grateful. Honest replies and help is welcomed. Just want to see if it might be feasible. I know anything is possible with enough fab and cash, but I just want to hear from people who have done swaps and or have an idea of the size/diameters of what I have and what to do. Thanks guys and hope someone can share some knowledge with me.

Re: 99 fzr600 custom thoughts...need help/advice

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:12 pm
by The Limey
The original ZX9R had a ballistic motor, but changed direction like a 1 legged cat burying a turd on a frozen puddle. I know, I had one :duh:

As an exercise in engineering it could be interesting and fun, but I doubt it'll make a Fizzer handle any better. A Fizzer in as new condition would flush a ZX9s head down the toilet and steal its lunch money when it comes to taking a corner.