Project X

Got a Yamazuki or a Yamonda? This section is for those who are a little more creative...

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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

I think im gonna go 1/4" because its more than strong enough, easier to work with and lighter.

They took about 1/2" off the frame (1/4" off each side). On the swingarm they honed the tube out a little so the bearings are ALOT easier to get in and out and pushed them in as far as they would go. Then they cut the pivot tube flush with the bearings. Originally he was gonna make spacers (like what spyder did on his swingarm) so I could use the fzr bolt but after pushing the bearings in, the stock tube that the bearings ride on was too long. He machined a whole new piece so the outside diameter is the same for the bearings to ride on and the inside diameter is for the fzr pivot bolt so no "reducers" or "spacers" were needed. The craftsmanship is top notch. bandana
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Re: Project X

Post by yamaha_george »

thatkid wrote:With 1/2" you shouldn't have to worry about warp. That is some massively thick stuff and the heat needed to get it to meld with the frame won't be enough to warp. Trying to drill and tap those plates after you have them on the frame will be a pain in the ass. You could probably get away with 1/4" but sometimes overkill is awesome. :)
Half inch does seem excessive but as stated warpage is noy going to be much of a factor at least on the plates
+5 for drilling tapping BEFORE welding.

!/4 inch thick with 8mm* 1mm pitch holes does not give much in the way of thread contact since in the corners when riding you are pushing your whole body weight & some to pick the bike up in the turn.

Since I do not use imperial measurements on an all Metric built bike I would be using 10mm (about 3/8" ) plate.

I do trust that the edges that were being welded were bevelled both side for good weld penetration and not simply "glued" t the fram with surface welds only ?

On my own bike I had to grind the inside surface of the rear rest to match the curve of the swing arm and I helped the problem out by using 2mm washers between frame & footrest hanger.
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Re: Project X

Post by cad600 »

I had 2 reasons for going with the 1/2" plate. 1) is as Geo said. 1/4" plate doesn't give you a lot of room for threads. 2)Is a continuation f 1. 1/2" plate allows me to just run the bolt into the plate and not have to put an additional nut on the back of it. I have no issues as the bolts are very very tight.

I drilled and tapped them first because using a drill press is easier than trying to drill through 1/2" plate while it is attached to the bike and leaning on a kick stand. Getting a tap to start can also be a little tricky.

One other reason is if I do go down again, the plate won't brake off from the frame and more than likely will not bend. I had to use a drift punch to bend the original tabs back into place from the one time I went down.
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

Rob & YG,

See I knew there had to be a reason Rob used 1/2" plate. It does seem excessive but I like the fact I wouldnt have to weld nuts onto the backside and theres no doubt that 1/2" plate would survive a crash ALOT better than 1/4".

I would definately put a 30* bevel on both sides if I end up using 1/2"...
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Re: Project X

Post by yamaha_george »

mxryder21 wrote:Rob & YG,


I would definetley put a 30* bevel on both sides if I end up using 1/2"...
You know it makes sense:-}
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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

Thanks Mark!

Anybody know wheres the best place to order a complete gasket kit? Should I change out the headgasket even though its not bad? I have an oil leak from my valve cover gasket and 2 leaks from somewhere on the bottom end. I think the oil pan gasket is one of those places...
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Re: Project X

Post by sweekster »

mxryder21 wrote:Anybody know wheres the best place to order a complete gasket kit? ...

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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »


This project kind of got put on hold for a few months but Im back at it. I didn't have a camera for when I stuffed the motor back in the frame(a real joy) and I ran into some problems with the r6 shock and the yzf swinger so Im running the stock shock for now until I figure out what Im gonna do... maybe 08' gsxr 1000? The r1 front end went together way too smooth!! Big thanks to modking! Anyways, here da pichers...

The yzf750 swinger looks ridiculously good!!

180 baby!!! yeah!

2000 r1 front end with graves top triple!! :headbang:
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Re: Project X

Post by cad600 »

Looking good. Can't wait to see with the plastics on.
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

WOW... it's been close to a year since I have touched my bike and over a year since I have touched this thread. I'll tell ya, becoming a dad has certainly thrown a curveball at my hobbies; however, I am in 6th gear WOT to get this bike ready for summer! I have been on ebay every day, multiple times a day, ordering parts like a mad man!! Anyhow, I had forgotten what this bike looked like so tonight I threw the tail and plastics on the bike and snapped a few pix...

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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

So last night I started replacing gaskets and when I pulled the oil pan this is what I found...


Now my knowledge is pretty limited but I know that can't be good. The strange thing is the bike ran like a champ before I started the tear down... :headscratch:
I bought the bike from Evolution Suspension in San Jose, CA back in Oct. 2008 and have put MAYBE 2,500 miles on it. I did change the oil and filter once but I have never pulled the pan until now so I have no idea how long that sh!t has been in there. If you notice there is a layer of black sludge where the pickup sits and a little near the front left (if your sitting on the bike) corner of the pan (not pictured); however, the rest of the oil was very clean.
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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

Whoa, don't everybody reply all at once jk

So, I've decided I'm not gonna worry about the motor for now. I already replaced most of the gaskets, and man that valve cover gasket is a real PITA :swear

Alright, I was trying to fit my fzr600 wheel into my r1 frontend but many PM's later I have decided that it isn't worth the money or trouble of having an exact matching wheel set and will stick with the r1 front wheel and YZF750 rear wheel. Hey, at least their both three spoke, right? Right. Here's a couple pics of the wheel mocked up in the forks:ImageImage

I also figured I would throw in a some teaser pics of my rearsets:

The r6 subframe and tail is about 90% done so I will snap a few pics and post em' up by the end of the week.
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Re: Project X

Post by yamaha_george »

mxryder21 wrote:Whoa, don't everybody reply all at once jk
Not really a lot you can say the pictures are to fuzzy to define and the debris is really small, since the stuff is on what looks like a magnetic pick-up tool all that can be said is that it is iron/steel and the only stuff like that is Rods & gears really.
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Re: Project X

Post by mxryder21 »

Progress pics...
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