I just got some in the mail the other day too. They are freakin awesome. for those that do not know what they are...... They are a direct swap for the 660 conversion. Same length and crank size as fzr600 and same wrist pin size as yzf..... I got em from the UK. i live in Louisiana. The only Fzr around here.
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
I got the rods from a 2001 fzs 600. they must say 5DM on them. this is the only way to go if you are doing a 660 mod. The rods are only available overseas, but are fairly easy to get. thanks, D
I looked on eBay and could only find one set. That set was for both the pistons and the rods. I've got everything else I need to this build. I'd rather put these rods in but I never could get anyone to give me a specific year. Now that I have one I'll have to look some more. I was only checking eBay. Do you have any where else that could have some?
the main bearings are all the same, fzr, fzs, yzf.. no worries there. the seal is the issue, but i found a solution. it is a federal mogul seal. it has no lip on it but will work just fine. when i get back from work i will post the seal number. i know that 200-01 have the 5dm on them but there are probably similar years that are the same, ie, 99. if anyone is going to do the 660 mod and does not have the cash for carillos then you must go with the fzs rods. sooooo much safer and easier. i would not do it any other way. start looking on ebay and in the uk as well. they are not terribly hard to find. hope this helps. D