web site unavailable for anyone else?

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web site unavailable for anyone else?

Post by demon_knight69 »

anyone else having issues getting to the website randomly over the last week or so? is the webserver going down for maintenance, or having some issues? or can i blame it on qwest (please give me a good reason to bitch them out, lol)

most recently, it was sitting loading (or not loading rather) a little over an hour ago. :headscratch:

on a completely separate side note, i picked up a brand new eee pc 901 yesterday for $140 WOOT . the original disto of linux on these things is trash, so i threw eeebuntu on it (it rocks!)
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Re: web site unavailable for anyone else?

Post by ghettomedic505 »

yes it has it takes me to a screen that says parralell h-sphere and its says website unavailable

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Re: web site unavailable for anyone else?

Post by megaloxana »

yep i noticed this happens a few times a day. In the chat you'll get the dreaded error 500.
'92 FZR 600
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Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
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Re: web site unavailable for anyone else?

Post by demon_knight69 »

ok, at least i'm not the only one. sounds like fluidhosting is having some issues then. 99.9% uptime or better guarantee.... :deal: :dubious:
1996 FZR 600
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Re: web site unavailable for anyone else?

Post by ragedigital »

We're actually looking at another hosting company as we speak. I used Fluid at the time because I had some other sites through them. It's actually one of the reasons how I got FZROnline.com up and running so fast last year...

However, they seem to be like most companies where they begin overloading servers to make a few more bucks.

I can guesstimate that we'll have things moved within a month.

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