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PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:06 am
by mszilves
Hi guys, I am having trouble sending PMs, they are getting stuck in my "outbox". I click submit, and everything seems fine, but they are stuck in my outbox. This started a week or so ago, and I just realized now that none of the PMs had gotten through to people. I rummaged through the settings, but didn't find anything, and I didn't change anything on my end.

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:37 am
by cad600
I do know that when you send a PM, they sit in the out box until the recever logs in to the forum at which time it is delivered. So if the person doesn't log in for a long time, it will never get to them. If they never received a notice about the PM, they need to change their user settings so the system will notify them. Beyond that, Rage or Tommy would need to look into it.

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:33 am
by ragedigital
Rob hit it right on the head. The messages stay in your OUTBOX until the receiving party opens it. Nice way to know if someone read your PM.

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:27 am
by mszilves
ragedigital wrote:Rob hit it right on the head. The messages stay in your OUTBOX until the receiving party opens it. Nice way to know if someone read your PM.
Interesting... good to know. That makes sense now. Thanks guys. :)

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:37 am
by ragedigital
This link should help you understand why we're so good over here:

Ok, that was mean... :whistle

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:51 am
by mszilves
ragedigital wrote:This link should help you understand why we're so good over here:

Ok, that was mean... :whistle
Yeah, saw that Darrin, pretty frustrating. To be honest, I'm over here these days more than I am on the archives anyway. This is fast growing into a great community, and people here always seem to go out of their way to help. One of, if not THE best forums that I've had the privilege of being a member of. Sure we don't have our own ex-lesbian-turned-callgirl for some entertainment, but we do have the Vibe Rider.

Wait, how did this post turn into another shameless plug for FZROnline? Lol, really guys, they're not paying me to say any of this. :thumbsup:

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:00 am
by ragedigital
mszilves wrote:Wait, how did this post turn into another shameless plug for FZROnline? Lol, really guys, they're not paying me to say any of this. :thumbsup:

PayPal sent. WOOT

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:09 pm
by YAM93
ragedigital wrote:This link should help you understand why we're so good over here:

Ok, that was mean... :whistle

WOW, i had never gone back and read anything there in over a month. They nailed Madison Claire AGAIN !!! That girl attracts trouble like nobody's business, I had to laugh. She's really a sweet lady, honestly. Hopefully she will join us over here, I told her about it months ago, but I guess we'll see. Anyway, I have to hand the award to LUKE-A-TRON for standing up. His verbosity is too eloquent to ignore. What a guy.

:king :grinnod:

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:49 pm
by ragedigital
My only thought, notice I didn't say "rule", about topics that probably shouldn't be offered to the mainstream is to make sure that they are placed in the Open Forum > NSFW (sub-forum). It's like a smoker's lounge....

This is exactly why the MODs and Admin need to be active. People ask me questions all the time about MODerating on this site and how to handle certain subjects. I tell them to use their best judgement, but people have a right to say what they will.

However, others should also have the right not to be blind-sided by offensive comments in the general forum.

They should have created a NSFW forum and put Madison's Topic in there. Who can argue with keeping NSFW material separate?

We do a pretty good job over here moderating these issues I believe. If not, let me know and I'll ban Haunter as an example... ha!

Re: PMs stuck in outbox

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:44 pm
by ShogunTX
Yam you're right I haven't been over the the archives in ages.....I was lost and had to ask Darrin for an update! I don't miss the drama