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Carb Tool
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:55 pm
by yamaboy
Hello everyone,
So I tore my carbs apart and I was disgusted. One of the jet screws was busted , 2 of the carb screws were stripped and also one of the float needles was the wrong kind ..Also missing the small bent wire.
I've managed to make a carb synch tool . Here is a pic for those visual learners.
Carb Tool
Welding Tips
Wrong Float Needle..One on the right
Busted Jet Screw + Stock Needle
Carb Internals(for future reference i guess)
Starter Jet + Choke Slider
Emulsion Tube

Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:23 pm
by DonTZ125
STOP - That is NOT where the MIG tips and balance bottle tubing goes! That is the drain screw for your bowls, and has exactly nothing to do with synchronizing your carbs. On each of the rubber boots bolted to the head, into which the carbs are socketed, there is a M6 Phillips screw with a copper gasket. THAT is your balance port. Remove the screw, insert the MIG tip, attach the tubing. Replace the screws when finished, or else you'll have a truly nuclear air leak.
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:48 pm
by sweekster
DonTZ125 wrote:STOP - That is NOT where the MIG tips and balance bottle tubing goes! That is the drain screw for your bowls, and has exactly nothing to do with synchronizing your carbs. On each of the rubber boots bolted to the head, into which the carbs are socketed, there is a M6 Phillips screw with a copper gasket. THAT is your balance port. Remove the screw, insert the MIG tip, attach the tubing. Replace the screws when finished, or else you'll have a truly nuclear air leak.
Uh...what he said.
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:56 pm
by trifgeorge
I agree 2!!!
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:58 pm
by yamaboy
DonTZ125 wrote:STOP - That is NOT where the MIG tips and balance bottle tubing goes! That is the drain screw for your bowls, and has exactly nothing to do with synchronizing your carbs. On each of the rubber boots bolted to the head, into which the carbs are socketed, there is a M6 Phillips screw with a copper gasket. THAT is your balance port. Remove the screw, insert the MIG tip, attach the tubing. Replace the screws when finished, or else you'll have a truly nuclear air leak.
Ha ha , wow! I wasn't really sure about that so I just assumed that it goes in there. Thanks for shining some light on me and preventing me from doing something dumb.
P.S I removed the pic so it doesn't confuse anyone.
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:53 am
by unreal3z
Is there a specific length that the clear tube going to the carbs has to be cut to? Also what type of oil do you use? And finally does the the tube going between the two bottles get completely submerged in the oil?
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 3:44 am
by DonTZ125
As long as it needs to be.
Some use ATF, some use 2-stroke oil. I used tap water and a quick thumb on the kill switch!
You betcha...
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:59 am
by yamaha_george
PLEASE add you pics & captions to the how-to:- in the wiki called all you need to know about carbs & the sync tool how to with your pics of the tool you made & the mig jets
Thank You
Re: Carb Tool
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:17 pm
by yamaboy
yamaha_george wrote:Yammaboy,
PLEASE add you pics & captions to the how-to:- in the wiki called all you need to know about carbs & the sync tool how to with your pics of the tool you made & the mig jets
Thank You
I tried to figure out how to post 2 small pictures which enlarge once you click on them under (Syncing ,wiki : all you need to know about carbs) ..but I failed. I completely forgot html code . I can give you the photobuket image code or html code if it helps. I hope ragedigital shines some light so we can figure this out.