91 fzr600 for saleeeee

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91 fzr600 for saleeeee

Post by drake86 »

For sale is a 1991 fzr with 28013 miles. 1st owner was a mechanic, 2nd owner was a cop, then me. The bike has been garage kept and have the following up grades

stage 2 dynojet kit
'06 r6 Brake calipers and master cylinder w/steel front and rear brake lines
'09 r6 rear shock
520 chain conversion 14/49
'01 R1 tail
HID headlight (10k)
Zero gravity smoked windscreen
drop in K&N air filter
D&D slip on
Back ceramic coated headers
04 r6 voltage rectifier
Gel grips
New EBC clutch with less than 500 miles
New paint (black cherry)

The motor runs great and is being sold as is. I'm asking 2600 but its best offer. Thanks for your time.
91 fzr 600
Stock except:
Stage 1 jet kit
D&D slip on
vortex 520 conversion w/ gold chain, 15/47
ceramic coated headers
K&N Drop in Air filter
02' R6 Blue dot calipers and master cylinder
04 r6 VR
09 r6 shock
01 r1 tail
custom tail light
front and rear galfer steel braided brake lines
Manual fan switch
Site Newbie
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Location: Maryland

Re: 91 fzr600 for saleeeee

Post by drake86 »

91 fzr 600
Stock except:
Stage 1 jet kit
D&D slip on
vortex 520 conversion w/ gold chain, 15/47
ceramic coated headers
K&N Drop in Air filter
02' R6 Blue dot calipers and master cylinder
04 r6 VR
09 r6 shock
01 r1 tail
custom tail light
front and rear galfer steel braided brake lines
Manual fan switch
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