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Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:06 pm
by puresports
My girlfriend has an FZR Pure Sports in her garage, left behind by her ex.
But it's in pieces.
I have a bunch of questions:
Is it worth putting back together?
Do I need a motorcycle mechanic to put it together?
How much should I pay to get it put together?
I know asking these questions makes me a loser, but it'd be great if someone could give me some suggestions.
Ottawa, Canada
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:30 pm
by fzrbrandon
Hi Paul,
For the record, "Pure Sports" is not really a unique model identifier (neither is Genesis, which many people also use in this way). It was merely a slogan used by Yamaha back in the mid-to-late 80's. Since it was a slogan, it was put on certain bikes in decal form. Some of the bikes were the 1st generation FZR750s & 1000s and a couple of the FZs I believe (at least in the U.S.). Maybe there are others. I just don't know offhand. So... let us know, specifically, which you have. If it is indeed an FZR750 or 1000, they are nearly identical (save for the motor) so have a look at the front of the motor itself. There should be an embossed engine displacement designation somewhere around there.
As for your questions, only you can answer them. If you have even modest mechanical abilities, many of the afflictions that these old bikes are cursed with can be handled by you with the help of the folks on this forum if need be. That is, after all, a huge reason that this site exists in the first place.
Start by putting up some pics to let us see what you're dealing with (the Welcome/Introductions forum would be a good place for this and is customarily the first stop). Also, go ahead and do an inventory of what's missing (or what's there if that's easier). Doing these two things will go a long way in helping us to help you decide what to do with the bike.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:15 am
by DonTZ125
The other point to ponder is that, unless and until your g/f has this motor vehicle registered in her name with the Ministry of Transport, you personally don't want to so much as TOUCH it, much less work on it. If you take that bike to the shop, lay out hundreds or thousands in repairs, the ex could show up, say "Thank you very much," and ride away. If the repairs aren't properly done, he could sue YOU, or even lay charges of Tampering!
Talk to the cops, do some reading - a vehicle abandoned on property can be claimed by the property owner, but the procedures have GOT to be followed very carefully.
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:00 am
by fzrbrandon
Ummm, yeah... As usual, Don makes a pretty good point. Maybe look into it a bit first unless, of course, you're feeling really generous.

Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:14 am
by paulbddl
well no qwestion maks you a looser not asking qwestions does yes any bike left in pieces is a lost treasure if you have mostly common hand tools [metric] you can probly do this ,pretty cheap but you first need a repair manule for that bike . it would be expensive to have a mechanic do it . youve always got the option of puting the parts on ebay . if the engene is in pieces you should take it to machene shop get it checed out . it will cost a little but its better than getting it together and finding out that its no good have fun and let me know what you deside

p.s. what year is this bike Paul
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:39 am
by blensen
paulbddl wrote:well no qwestion maks you a looser not asking qwestions does yes any bike left in pieces is a lost treasure if you have mostly common hand tools [metric] you can probly do this ,pretty cheap but you first need a repair manule for that bike . it would be expensive to have a mechanic do it . youve always got the option of puting the parts on ebay . if the engene is in pieces you should take it to machene shop get it checed out . it will cost a little but its better than getting it together and finding out that its no good have fun and let me know what you deside

p.s. what year is this bike Paul
That was brutal to read...
Anyway back on topic. As long as you go through the proper channels to make the bike yours legally and are willing to do a lot of the work yourself, you potentially have the opportunity to rebuild some classic plastic and be proud of your work. If you won't/can't rebuild it yourself, the cost of a shop rebuilding it for you will far outweigh the value of the bike. Nothing about these FZR's is particularly hard, it just takes time, and shop rates add up quickly.
Post some pictures of the bike/pieces and it'll make it much easier for us to tell you if you're in over your head or if it'll be a nice project.
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:39 pm
by paulbddl
why would anyone screw up a classic bike by making it look like that
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:04 pm
by blensen
paulbddl wrote:why would anyone screw up a classic bike by making it look like that
Yes, how dare I modify my run-of-the-mill mid-90s sportbike to better suit my motorcycling wants and needs...

Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:06 pm
by DonTZ125
Paul and blensen - keep it civil ...
Re: Help with a FZR Pure Sports
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:08 am
by Burtonrider10022
blensen wrote:That was brutal to read...
OP, throw up some pics!!
How long has the bike been sitting? Was it in running condition before being dismantled? Please post up every scrap of info on the bike that you have and you'll get a much better answer.