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New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:30 am
by Fraidknot


Those are the only two picture I have of it so far. I picked it up on the 10th. I've put a little over 700 miles on it so far. The dealers in my area wouldn't let these go for less than $7700 OTD. MSRP is $5999. I drove up to LA Yamaha and they gave it to me for $6299 out the door. It come with a 1 year factory warranty and I went ahead and shelled out another $500 for another 5 years. This is officially my very first new vehicle and it is very likely the most expensive single thing I've ever purchased. Plus side is I'm saving about $400 a year on insurance over my FZR.

I have a lot of things to say about it, but it's 230 in the AM and I'm sleepy. Whatever I am likely to type probably won't be very cognitive.

Oh yeah, and, :cheers: :headbang: :banana: :thumbsup: :bunny :banjoman :grinnod: WOOT :-D :) ;) :P :mrgreen: weeeeeee!!!!

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:53 am
by tommyj27
Great looking bike. And here I always thought enduros came pre-beat-to-shit from the factory.

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:07 am
by abs929cbrrr
for the visualy blocked at work what did ya get? sounds like a larger dual sport or some sort?

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:16 am
by ragedigital
Looks like a WR250x... nice!

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:32 am
by abs929cbrrr
cool...hope it has nuff pep. i met a guy with a ktm 625 super moto who lives in down and he said 250's just didnt have nuff snot. then again he was about 250lbs...but his katoon was really nice and beat up so he used it haha.

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:53 am
by haunter
looks nice!

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:08 am
by ragedigital
Well, I think the 625 would put him in the next insurance bracket and would probably be worse than the fizzer...

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:50 am
by sweekster
First off...Nice bike...Secondly with enough tweaks it could be as much fun if not more than the FZR, thirdly..Nice Bike. :shocker

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:38 pm
by YAM93
Heh, tweaks my butt. That thing has a lot more "pep" than you think. Congratulations homey, welcome to SUPERMOTO.

Now you can get ALL the hot chicks.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:03 pm
by yamaha_george

Those are the only two picture I have of it so far. I picked it up on the 10th. I've put a little over 700 miles on it so far. The dealers in my area wouldn't let these go for less than $7700 OTD. MSRP is $5999. I drove up to LA Yamaha and they gave it to me for $6299 out the door. It come with a 1 year factory warranty and I went ahead and shelled out another $500 for another 5 years. This is officially my very first new vehicle and it is very likely the most expensive single thing I've ever purchased. Plus side is I'm saving about $400 a year on insurance over my FZR.

I have a lot of things to say about it, but it's 230 in the AM and I'm sleepy. Whatever I am likely to type probably won't be very cognitive.

Oh yeah, and, :cheers: :headbang: :banana: :thumbsup: :bunny :banjoman :grinnod: WOOT :-D :) ;) :P :mrgreen: weeeeeee!!!![/quote]


worth the extra loot for sure, I had been looking for the earlier version s/h but they were all Beat to hell and not looked after.
& new was too Much for sure.

Get a BIG lock for it for sure.

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:08 pm
by Fraidknot
It most certainly is a WR250x. I was originally going to the DRZ400sm. Then one night, as I was about to fall asleep I just started thinking about the WR. I coudln't get it out of my head. I jumped out of bad and started looking up stats and doing comparisons and checking out mods and all sorts of crap. Then I'd go to bed again only to repeat the cycle for at least a couple more hours. I decided on the WR because 1) It's a tad big lighter 2) It's 250cc engine makes only ~5 HP less than the DRZ's 400cc engine, the DRZ does make almost twice the torque though banghead 3) Smaller engine = cheaper insurance and better fuel economy 4) The WR has a 6 speed transmission and the DRZ has a 5. 5) The WR is fuel injected and the DRZ is carbureted, I was ready for fuel injection. I think the biggest deciding factor was how much new technology went into the WR. The engine was completely redesigned for this model. Titanium intake valves, ceramic coated cylinder, a better counter-balancer (for a single cylinder this bike is a lot less buzzy than my FZR, even after a carb sync), the list goes on. Plus, even though I really like the look of the DRZ, I think the WR looks way more updated.

So, 700 miles later, what do I think? I hate it on the freeway. That being said, I love this bike. I didn't take it on the freeway for the first 300 miles or so but I still used it to commute to work. This turned my 20 mile and 25 minute commute each way into a 28 mile and 45 minute long commute each way. I didn't care because I was having so much fun just riding it around on the surface streets. One day I was running a bit late for work so I was forced to get on the freeway. BORING! So boring. The bike tops out at about 95. That's fine, I wasn't riding my FZR much faster than 70 to begin with. I just wish I had a little more "go" when cruising at 70 with this thing. Dropping it two gears does help some, but I liked how the FZR would just go in top gear when I twisted the throttle. This bike is just fast on the streets though. It's fast enough to have a lot of fun with, but not so fast to where you can get into a lot of trouble (like when I car turns left in front of you). It stops quick, it's very manueverable. Leaning it felt strange at first because you're so high in the air. It felt like you were hanging out into space and attached to nothing. I don't have chicken strips on these tires though. There's a little in the front. I sucked at leaning the FZR, I had about 3/4 inch strips on the rear. The seat is definitly not meant for touring. Sitting on it for more than 10 minutes starts to hurt my tail bone. So much so that I feel like I should ask my doctor if I have to worry about any permanent damage back there from sitting on my spine.

This bike gets a lot of looks. People know what dirt bikes look like...and they know what sport bike tires look like...but they have no idea what to make of the two put together. Supermoto isn't very big here. A couple of month ago there was an event here at Qualcomm stadium and there was a brief Supermoto segment. NOBODY was there. Maybe 15 people cared to watch. I had to work, otherwise I would have been there.

I'm going to get some more pictures soon. My friend has a WR426 that he converted to supermoto. His is a maintenance princess though. Oil changes every 300miles. Valve checks probably every thousand. He's super jealous. His bike isn't much faster than mine, but he can pull it up into wheelies a lot easier. Plus, his engine sounds like a drum of marbles, and mine sounds like...a bunch of new stuff whirring around in oil and not making much noise at all. :duh:

Re: New bike

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:09 pm
by YAM93
Sounds awesome. Only thing I can say is, if you want it to last a long time like your buddy's.... change the oil a LOT. That little engine beats the hell out of the oil. Sounds like you're having a blast though. Yeah, the freeway or interstate is pretty boring, I avoid them at all costs. Lately I'm doing like 90% back roads here.

You should take some photos of it SIDE-by-SIDE with your FZR and post them up.

:thumbsup: :king :headbang: