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Cdi Compalibilty Questions

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:46 pm
by Bigeaux3
I have a 1994 Fzr 600 I was wondering If a 1989 fzr 400 cdi would work on my bike they seem to have the same pin count but I wasn't sure. I would appreciate any imput I'm also looking for a cdi (if this one dosnt work out ) so if you got a spare let me I is I'll take it off your hands for you. :tks:

Re: Cdi Compalibilty Questions

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:13 am
by DonTZ125
The 400 TCI (not CDI) will work with the 600 engine. The problem is, it may work TOO WELL - the 600 TCI limits the spark just past 11500 (IIRC), while the 400 TCI will allow the engine to scream up past 14000 - listen for the crunch! of an ingested valve ... The mechanical redline of the 600 engine is higher than 11500; the V&H PowerPak ignitions take advantage of this. It is, however, rather less than 14k.

Re: Cdi Compalibilty Questions

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:13 am
by Bigeaux3
DonTZ125 wrote:The 400 TCI (not CDI) will work with the 600 engine. The problem is, it may work TOO WELL - the 600 TCI limits the spark just past 11500 (IIRC), while the 400 TCI will allow the engine to scream up past 14000 - listen for the crunch! of an ingested valve ... The mechanical redline of the 600 engine is higher than 11500; the V&H PowerPak ignitions take advantage of this. It is, however, rather less than 14k.
Sorry if you received my other pm's (the message system is not working for me i didnt mean to bother you with to many messages).
I would really like to be riding again so Do you sell TCI's? if so how much ? I will send you my old TCI (my dad and i tried to play technician) so if it cant be repaired i would like to donate it to your cause. Lastly what would be faster a repair or just buying one out right please let me know soon. Waiting for a ride SUCKS! banghead lol