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Title changed by Mod response

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:17 pm
by ramster
Thread locked, why ask me a Question when you Know I cant Respond? you know you locked the thread :headscratch: Is it some new moderating skill?
And what would your response be if - without having the vehicle in front of him to carry out his own basic checks - this individual was to say, "This *IS* the problem, without a shadow of a doubt!"
In a forum I'd tell that individual to get off the drugs. In real life I'd say come on you need serious medical attention :grinnod:

I also know the afore mentioned MOD would have had the decency to explain WHY they deleted the post (send a pm), something you think your over and above of bonkonhead

Re: Title changed by Mod response

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 2:54 am
by DonTZ125
The question was rhetorical, the entire post was inappropriate. That's why the thread was locked.

You are castigating someone - on another site, I might add - for saying "I bet it's (the proposed culprit)" and not giving a firmer reply, then in the next breath declaring that giving a firm answer without benefit of close examination of the issue is a symptom of chemical refreshments. Pick one, but not on this site. My head hurts, and I don't have the patience for your games tonight.
