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What is your top speed?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:26 pm
by tickledawson
So iv been riding my bike for a few weeks now and decided to see what she could do,
Iv got a 1986 Fzr 400 genesis 1wg that's streetfightered.
Seems she won't go past 80mph 82downhill
:( guy that lives round the corner had the same bike/model but it had a few upgrades and his dyno papers
Said top speed was 141mph
Could my bike be restricted? Could it be because it's just old?
Or does that sound about. Right...
I thought it'd be alot faster :( :swear

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:30 pm
by ragedigital
I would think that a stock FZR400 could reach 115-120.

You could through an FZR600 engine in there and get to 140.

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:35 pm
by fink
Had my 600 up to 156 on the track....

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:58 am
by taggy
should hit 100 easily enough, i'd suspect restrictors in the carbs, does it do anything 'funny' like rev poorly or balk when up in higher revs? the factory fitted speedo restriction is set at 180kmh if ir remember right! thats about 110 mph so shouldn't be that!
i guess your speedo could be suspect aswell?

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:10 am
by tickledawson
Iv got aftermarket speedo on. Not sure if you can find photos iv posted Iv forgotten how to upload.
It will reach 80 without a problem, once it hits 80 the revs will still go up fine but the speed remains the same,
It sucks!!!

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:28 pm
by taggy
if the revs go up id still suspect the speedo, you do know that there needs to be a signal from the speedo to the tci in order for it to reset the speed restriction once the bike is in gear? would be useful to put a set of standard clocks on to test it, as this could be your problem!

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:34 pm
by DonTZ125
He's got a 1WG; IIRC only the 3TJs had the speedo restriction. I'd say it's more likely that the OP has dropped a cyl (spark or fuel) or has had the airbox pop off.

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:39 am
by tickledawson
DonTZ125 wrote:He's got a 1WG; IIRC only the 3TJs had the speedo restriction. I'd say it's more likely that the OP has dropped a cyl (spark or fuel) or has had the airbox pop off.
Sorry I'm not very technically minded, I know how to ride and build but that's it,
Repairs and parts are beyond me
What's an OP?
Dropped a cyl (assuming cylinder?)
How could I find out?

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:24 pm
by DonTZ125
OP = Original Poster - that's you!

You can check if one of your cylinders isn't working by spitting / spraying on the headers once the engine's warmed up - if one doesn't sizzle as strongly as the others (or at all!), then it isn't firing properly. Or at all.

Re: What is your top speed?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:27 am
by taggy
both the 3en1 (1988 onwards), 3en2 and 3tj are restricted in the uk (ive owned both 3en1 and 3tj!) mis read it as a later model, so no i dont think there is a restriction, sorry! when the airbox loosened on my track bike there was a clear lack of power and the revs wouldnt rise, i have had the coils play up and get what you are experiencing though so i think don is def. right with the cylinder dropping something! once the bike has run for a bit, see if any of the pipes are running cooler than the others, could at least show you which cyl. is at fault!