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Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:44 am
by manveru
I have a mixed opinion, when i look at it from the back, i love it, then i see the headlights, and hate it. Overall i like them just because they're unique and don't look like most other bikes in my area, however when i see a new bike i always think, those look cool.
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:54 am
by YAM93
Yep, even though I'm shaving mine down a little bit around the exhaust header, still love them. To me the engine is not that attractive, I used some Gunk engine cleaner a few months back but it still looks dirty. I guess it's just discolored.
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:05 pm
by yamaha_george
manveru wrote:I have a mixed opinion, when i look at it from the back, i love it, then i see the headlights, and hate it. Overall i like them just because they're unique and don't look like most other bikes in my area, however when i see a new bike i always think, those look cool.
THe back is fine I just would like the double lamp version front
been looking for a while but no luck they all appear to be trashed when they do appear even Plastex would be hard to rebuild them in any meaningful way.

Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:09 pm
by abs929cbrrr
i like the lower fairings...thats about it. i thought the dual head lights were cool but i dont like them anymore. i also do not like the stock 91/92 upper, it looks like hell with square head light.
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:11 pm
by manveru
i also love the sides/lowers, whatever you want to call them. they seem cooler to me than most any that i've seen i just hate the frontend. My brother says it looks like it ran into a wall. btw he has an 05 cbr 600rr

Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:35 pm
by Dr Rockso
i love the stock fairings , the tail is old school , and with a rear seat cover it looks even better . the dual round headlights are one of the first things that made me want a fzr , i've always loved dual roundies . i'm not a huge fan of the single headlight upper , but when you put in the split headlight from some of the other countries single headlight fzr's they look alot better . when i first got my fzr i was thinking of changing a few things , but i can't , i like it too much as it is .
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:14 pm
by Fizzinatorr
new stuff is pointy
but our bikes are classics.
if i could source FZR 1000 plastics i wouldn't have done the R1 front
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:34 pm
by RCPlayland
I like the stock fairings... but I also like alot of the other stuff too as well as naked FZR's.
The tail section is a little bulky and I do have to say I like the trimmer look of newer style tails. But all in all, If done right, I like them either way.
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:36 pm
by bweight
I like em.. I wasn't too fond of the stock 400 set though.. Now that I've got 600 fairings on the bike, I think it looks much better.. I've had a lot of people ask me lately what year it is and they can't believe it's almost 20 years old.. While I do like some of the newer bikes, I'm partial to the FZR.
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:28 pm
by megaloxana
I like em or else I wouldn't have bought the bike...although I did swap to the airtech r1 kit

Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:06 pm
by billy_awesome
Just look at the competitions plastics in the same years as the fzr, yamaha had the best plastics by FAR!
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:55 pm
by thatkid
Fizzinatorr wrote:new stuff is pointy
but our bikes are classics.
if i could source FZR 1000 plastics i wouldn't have done the R1 front
Why not get some beasley glass? It's the same design as stock but easier to fix. Just an idea. About the same cost too.
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:13 pm
by 95FZR600
I likey the stock fairings!
Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:16 pm
by demon_knight69
i LOVE the stock upper (the dual headlight one), i have ever since the mid 90's when i was old enough to like cool street bikes. the tail is complete 80's and i don't like it at all in stock form. i like what some have done, by trimming it down and putting custom lights in (what i plan on doing). while i like the r6 tail on the fzr it almost updates the fzr too much. don't get me wrong i think the r6 tail looks great on the fzr, but i dont think thats what i wanna do anymore (i had thought about it when i first got the bike). i will eventually get a sharp angled new bike (most likely r1), but i like the old school look of the fzr too much.

Re: Do you like the fzr fairings
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:26 pm
by megaloxana
Yes the tail is ugly no doubt. What I've always wanted to see was a mid 90's 900RR tail on the fzr...Still old school styling, but w/o the stupid box shape. Maybe someone's done it before or not, but someone definatly should.