what engine can i use

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what engine can i use

Post by 90yamaha »

i have a 1990 fzr 1000 and the motor locked up want to know what range of years i can use i like its 88 to 94 but i dont know i found a 98 will it work.
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Re: what engine can i use

Post by cad600 »

Well since they did not make the FZR1000 in 1998, the answer would be no.

Any year FZR1000 up to 1994 (when they stopped production) will work. The 1997 YZF1000 (Thunderace not the R1) will work but will take a little adjustments to fit the frame exactly. It also really needs the CDI, Wire harness and carbs as the Thunderace used a TPS sensor on the carbs that the FZR did not have. The YZF750 is the same work as the Thunderace and also begs the question of why go backwards in engine performance. The R1 engine can fit, but will require a lot more work than anything else and require all the same parts (CDI, wire harness and carbs as well as air box and possibly a different fuel tank).
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

Something is lurking, waiting, wanting to be built......It calls to me from the darkness....

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel....Then I realize that it is the train coming to run my ass over....
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