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free expression? (re:power hungry)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:56 am
by CrazySkullCrusher
I fully understand and respect the need for moderators to well...moderate forums. I do not, however, recognize a moderator's right to lock a discussion because he disagrees with the opinions held within. I am disgusted by a moderator abusing his power by locking a discussion AFTER he posts 5 paragraphs full of HIS opinion, thus preventing me from answering. I answer now, kid.

yes, the 2001 R1 was know what else it was? 998 cc. that might have someting to do with the magazines getting a kick out of it...that and the great strides that yamaha made in making all that power a little easier to control.

Your argument of "less experienced riders" looking for more power is like "street racer car guys" is catagoricaly irelivent. You don't know me kid, I've been riding since I was a sprout, learned what hurt in the dirt and I can ride with the best of 'em. I also know well enough to know that your brakes better be twice as good as your motor if you want to live to ride another day. I manufacture aircraft brakes for a living, so there.

As far as carb tuning is concerned, I'm no rookie. I grew up tuning the kehiens and mikunis on my old dirt bikes. i have an intimate understanding of the mikuni constant velocity carburator. I'm aware of how important float level and pilot mixture is, as well as clean emulsion tubes, needle clip setting etc.....this aint my first barbecue.

As far as me learning the bike, I have. It doesn't take that long to shake down a bike kid.

As far as paying for results as opposed to putting time in for them, matter how hard you flog it, it's still an 87 hp bike. You must think I'm some rookie kid that doesn't know how to tune a bike or plot a turn.

Thanks for forcing me to start a new thread to respond to your shenannigans, thatkid. I'm beyond the point of caring that I pissed you off. you better hurry up and lock this thread before someone else has an opinion that just might be diametrically opposed to yours.

Do what you gotta do.

Re: free expression? (re:power hungry)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:07 am
by DonTZ125
Actually, the mod who locked the topic was NOT thatkid. A note to that effect in the previous topic by that mod might have avoided certain unwarranted accusations herein, but I'll thank you to, well, 'moderate' your tone.

I haven't talked with the mod in question nor ThatKid, but I think we should table this discussion for now. Everyone go out for a smoke, take a walk.

Topic locked for 12 hours.

Re: free expression? (re:power hungry)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:54 am
by ragedigital
It appears that one of the Site Directors "locked" the thread. Chances are they felt that the conversation was getting way off topic and probably too personal, but I can't say for sure.

Re: free expression? (re:power hungry)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:24 am
by sweekster
Well, let's get the record straight here. I locked that thread-not thatkid. PM sent

Re: free expression? (re:power hungry)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:12 pm
by DonTZ125
Thread unlocked.