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The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:31 pm
by Fartblood

I return, following the sad demise of my computer last autumn, and me being chronically lazy about replacing it! Still, a chance viewing of a TV ad while luckily simultaneously holding my credit card and the phone, and I'm now the proud owner of a new Dell. Don't ask me what it is - it's black, and isn't the cheapest, but not the most expensive either! Seems to fly, but I still think digital watches are pretty clever.

Not a great deal more work on the Fizzer. Building work, woman losing her sight in one eye and having to learn to drive etc again, and then me recently becoming a Dad again have all kept me rather busy. still, things are settling down now, I have this new pooter and a small but smart new shed, and project Total Awesomeness will continue, starting this weekend. It's almost at turnaround pint, needing only the front wheel stripping and polishing before I can start bolting shiny new, newly plated, newly polished and newly painted components back on to it.

It is I, Fartblood, who speaks thus!

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:15 pm
by ragedigital
It is certainly glad to have you back! Look forward to some pics of the project going forward.


Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:33 pm
by reelrazor
Fartblood wrote:Greetings,

I return, following the sad demise of my computer last autumn, and me being chronically lazy about replacing it! Still, a chance viewing of a TV ad while luckily simultaneously holding my credit card and the phone, and I'm now the proud owner of a new Dell. Don't ask me what it is - it's black, and isn't the cheapest, but not the most expensive either! Seems to fly, but I still think digital watches are pretty clever.

Not a great deal more work on the Fizzer. Building work, woman losing her sight in one eye and having to learn to drive etc again, and then me recently becoming a Dad again have all kept me rather busy. still, things are settling down now, I have this new pooter and a small but smart new shed, and project Total Awesomeness will continue, starting this weekend. It's almost at turnaround pint, needing only the front wheel stripping and polishing before I can start bolting shiny new, newly plated, newly polished and newly painted components back on to it.

It is I, Fartblood, who speaks thus!

And here I was just assuming you were in jail...... jk

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:15 am
by Fartblood
Darrin, Reelrazor, greetings.

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:43 am
by sweekster
reelrazor wrote:

And here I was just assuming you were in jail...... jk
I was thinking he became a lackey for an up and coming football club handing out warm towels and leg rubs. But then again it's FB and somehow jail seems more fitting :rofl:

Welcome back!!

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:41 pm
by Fartblood
Sweeks, you old scrote :thumbsup:

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:12 pm
by Yamster
How do FB,its nice to see you posting again :thumbsup: .
I have been thinking,you probably went under cover,even deep under cover,in fact so deep under cover,you did'nt even know it your self :rofl: .
Glad to have you back matey :cheers: .

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:16 pm
by Yamster
Oh yeah,sorry i forgot the most important bit,congratulations on the little un.
Little girl i assume?

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:46 pm
by Fartblood
Hi fellers, yup, a little girl. Amy-Robyn, after my Grandma, and my Step dad, both of whom are no longer with us.

Re: The Fartmeister is back!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:22 pm
by sweekster
Nice. Congrats!! :cheers: