Brake pads not worn in properly
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 12:29 pm
Ok so the easiest way to describe is with pictures.

When riding normal and also when applying the front brake, the bike rides straight and normal. When I apply the rear brake I get the sensation that the rear wheel shifts over like an inch then continues going straight. Now this is what I'm wondering, That my wheel was mis-aligned when I put new brake pads on the rear, right before going on a 1,600mi road trip and i think they wore in wrong. I just finished setting chain tension and aligning the wheel and i still get that sensation. If you guys do agree that it is brake pads that have been worn in with a slight "Slant" to them, do you think gentle pressure and use of the brake should be used until it wears even?

When riding normal and also when applying the front brake, the bike rides straight and normal. When I apply the rear brake I get the sensation that the rear wheel shifts over like an inch then continues going straight. Now this is what I'm wondering, That my wheel was mis-aligned when I put new brake pads on the rear, right before going on a 1,600mi road trip and i think they wore in wrong. I just finished setting chain tension and aligning the wheel and i still get that sensation. If you guys do agree that it is brake pads that have been worn in with a slight "Slant" to them, do you think gentle pressure and use of the brake should be used until it wears even?