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April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:01 am
by yamaha_george
well time to re-invent the wheel, March's muse's went by un-noticed it seems

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:32 am
by old_school
Great video! Perfect for April Foolishness ... id_OEV_P_P

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:31 am
by yamaha_george
dear oh deer, yes mr insurance man I'm claiming for a new helmet, as I said a deer flew over me and scratched & dented it, wadda yeh mean "if Pigs could fly", man I'm telling you & dial tone heard

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:40 pm
by old_school
YG, i wouldn't have believed a running deer could clear a bike and rider. crazy stuff!

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:33 pm
by kilika2
About to try to fire up the bike after the top end rebuild. Fingers crossed.


Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:37 pm
by yamaha_george
kilika2 wrote:About to try to fire up the bike after the top end rebuild. Fingers crossed.

good luck Chris,
not that an old hand like you needs it (yeh right :-} we all need just a pinch of it :thumbsup:

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:20 am
by kilika2
I apparently had the luck today. I expected a fight. I had her running and then synced in under 3 hours. Just need to check the stumble at 6k. Lots of threads about that so no need to dive in here. But there is a happy Christopher today.


Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:53 pm
by kilika2
kilika2 wrote:About to try to fire up the bike after the top end rebuild. Fingers crossed.

All I can say is...... :grinnod:

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:57 pm
by yamaha_george
kilika2 wrote:
kilika2 wrote:About to try to fire up the bike after the top end rebuild. Fingers crossed.

All I can say is...... :grinnod:
There is nothing like "smug" is there LoL

In the vain of April foolishness:-
any ways yesterday i decided I had better go fire up the bike, not started it since my last visit to hospital, take off the covers, key the ignition, pump primes, set choke, hit run, then starter button WTF nothing jack.

So hit horn, works LOUD, indicators flash properly, brake light, head lights work top & lower beam , hit starter Nadda zilch.
Take out key, take out battery, put on charge , top up liquid as bit low, leave to charge over night. Button up the bike , covers, go and sulk.

Wake up at 3am, I just dreamed what was wrong the Bloody bike was in gear ! Get up take battery ,take of covers replace battery, key ignition , pump primes, set choke, hit run start brooom broom. I do not know what was louder the bike starting or me cursing my own foolishness. April & old age.

:swear Noob :drink: :yikes: screwy :whistle

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:05 pm
by kilika2
It's good to know that it happens to the BEST of us too.


Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:06 am
by yamaha_george
kilika2 wrote:It's good to know that it happens to the BEST of us too.

Dunno about BEST but the OLDEST for sure

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:13 pm
by kilika2
Well April got me too. This is what I get for laughing at Geo. I rode the bike to the police station to fill out a police report. (Long story short is someone used my card number to buy 1500 dollars worth of stuff at And I go to leave and I put the bike in neutral, put the kickstand up, pulled in the clutch. Hit the starter.... nothing. The neutral light dimmed a little bit. Ummm ok. so I try again. My horn isn't working because my switch isn't making good contact, so I can't check that. All lights work.... So I think, ok my ks switch isn't letting me start the bike. I cut the wire and twist them together, starter.. Nothing. Crap well I guess it's in the switch. But I have too much to do at work and it's suppose to be bad the next couple of days. Sad day. Oh well I'll get it sorted out some time.


Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:41 pm
by DonTZ125
So... Your bike is still at the cop shop?! :headscratch:

Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:02 pm
by kilika2
DonTZ125 wrote:So... Your bike is still at the cop shop?! :headscratch:
Nope, the officer that is handling my case gave me a ride home. Less than 2 miles and I hooked up the trailer, called the gf's dad and he helped me push the bike onto the trailer. I was already late for work so I just loaded her up and brought her to work.


Re: April foolishness AKA the random thread

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:53 pm
by yamaha_george
Like you said...................even the BEST of us .................