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Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:08 pm
by Angels
I put a "wanted" ad on CL for a sports bike and this was the first guy to respond. After a few emails here is some info on the bike:
The bike is in super condition. I am the second owner. The original owner was a collector and kept this in amazing shape for being 20 years old. The only reason I was able to snag it up was because I knew the owner of the bike store where the guy traded it in when he bought a Ducati. He called me and I was down there in 15 minutes and there were already three people waiting to buy it if I didn't.
The FZR was one of the first sport bikes and is soon to be a classic. Before the beginning of last season, I got a full tune up done, brand new tires, new chain, sprockets, etc. I rode it under 25 miles after that and then we moved to another state. Since moving to xxxx, I've put less than 20 miles on it. I've included some pictures in this email. I have a few more if you'd like them. I wasn't planning on selling it but, we're really hurting for money right now. At one point, I was asking $2200 because of the condition it's in, the $750 I just put into it, and the low mileage. I'd be willing to negotiate that if you were serious about buying it.
and then
I forgot to mention that I just bought a brand new battery this past season as well but haven't even ridden it since installing it.
It has "less than 15,000 miles"

Onto the pictures:





We negotiated to $1550.

Is that a good deal? Does the bike seem to be in good shape from the pictures? This is going to be my first bike. I have a list from of things to check on the bike when I see it in-person

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:26 pm
by jallen
That looks really nice, very very clean.


Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:30 pm
by Angels
Thank you! Is that a stock paint job? I can't find another that looks like it anywhere

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:51 pm
by rotortech
Yeah, factory paint scheme. Very good condition and the price is good. Not a steal but in better times this guy could get over $2K for this bike.

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:02 pm
by Angels
Well that makes me feel better; in our first emails between one another, I let him know that I wanted to pay around $1200 for a bike but maybe a little more.

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:27 pm
by ragedigital
Nice find! The bike looks to be in very good condition. I think you paid a fair price.


Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:35 pm
by Angels
Actually I haven't paid for it yet. I still have to meet him, pay him, and bring it back home

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:01 pm
by kilika2
I paid 1600 for a 95 that didn't look that good. As long as it starts and warms up. Grab the throttle a bit to see if she smokes. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If it idles good after warming. Take that puppy home.


Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:07 pm
by racerd14666
BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT BUT IT!!! thats such an unmolested bike you would be silly not to buy it

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:49 am
by Angels
Haha thanks guys. As soon as I saw the pictures, I told my girlfriend "If I get this bike, I'm going to squeal like a baby"

I'm glad that we negotiated to a price that I was still comfortable at. I can't wait to get this bike; it's going to be my first one

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that he had all that work done on it, like a new chain & new sprockets? Obviously it's good because it has new parts, but were they replaced because of something or just normal wear?

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:15 am
by Yamster
I recommend you BUY IT from this side of the pond!
Thats one nice Fizzer :thumbsup: .

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:58 am
by haunter
almost a shame that its your first bike, Ill cry if/when it meets pavement!

thats a hell of a find on a clean FZR 600, one of my favorite color schemes!!!

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:07 am
by Angels
Haha well I'm not going to ride it until I take an MSF course so hopefully it will never meet the pavement, cause that would be a real shame

Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:56 am
by kilika2
Angels wrote:Haha well I'm not going to ride it until I take an MSF course so hopefully it will never meet the pavement, cause that would be a real shame
AMEN. Best 200 dollars I've ever spent on my bike. My Fzr was also my first bike and I can't imagine riding it without having taken the course. Plus it's a lot of fun. And to answer your question about the chain and sprockets. That's all normal wear and tear nothing to be afraid of. Ask him if he's changed the fork seals recently too, just good knowledge.


Re: Is this a good deal on a 1990 FZR600? *With pictures*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:31 pm
by Angels
Yeah I was planning on asking him that. He takes a few days to email me back, though, so we've been emailing for over a week (close to 2) and only have 10 emails between us lol

Thanks for answering my question about the sprockets & stuff