and thenThe bike is in super condition. I am the second owner. The original owner was a collector and kept this in amazing shape for being 20 years old. The only reason I was able to snag it up was because I knew the owner of the bike store where the guy traded it in when he bought a Ducati. He called me and I was down there in 15 minutes and there were already three people waiting to buy it if I didn't.
The FZR was one of the first sport bikes and is soon to be a classic. Before the beginning of last season, I got a full tune up done, brand new tires, new chain, sprockets, etc. I rode it under 25 miles after that and then we moved to another state. Since moving to xxxx, I've put less than 20 miles on it. I've included some pictures in this email. I have a few more if you'd like them. I wasn't planning on selling it but, we're really hurting for money right now. At one point, I was asking $2200 because of the condition it's in, the $750 I just put into it, and the low mileage. I'd be willing to negotiate that if you were serious about buying it.
It has "less than 15,000 miles"I forgot to mention that I just bought a brand new battery this past season as well but haven't even ridden it since installing it.
Onto the pictures:

We negotiated to $1550.
Is that a good deal? Does the bike seem to be in good shape from the pictures? This is going to be my first bike. I have a list from of things to check on the bike when I see it in-person