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Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:23 pm
by bucket
So ever sense my 600 was lost I have been looking for a new bike. I found a 400 but I dont know if it will fit me. Im 6 foot and loved the fit of my 600 and havent really found a bike that fit like that. I plan on ending up putting a 600cc motor in it down the road. Or should I just look for another 600?

Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:55 pm
by fzrbrandon
Ummm... 400 FTW! But... if you're not comfortable on it, it's kind of a moot point. Go with the 600 in that case.
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:18 am
by blensen
fzrbrandon wrote:Ummm... 400 FTW! But... if you're not comfortable on it, it's kind of a moot point. Go with the 600 in that case.
Brandon, as someone who has both a 400 and 600, is there a very noticeable difference in frame size/riding position?
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:31 am
by fzrbrandon
blensen wrote:fzrbrandon wrote:Ummm... 400 FTW! But... if you're not comfortable on it, it's kind of a moot point. Go with the 600 in that case.
Brandon, as someone who has both a 400 and 600, is there a very noticeable difference in frame size/riding position?
Well, assuming the rearsets were stock and the clip-ons were in the stock position (neither of which is true on my 400), I think the ergonomics are fairly comparable. The 400 is a tad bit shorter though so that's a consideration. The way my 400 is set-up (and being as small as I am), I'm basically sprawled out across the tank. Makes going full-tuck a piece of cake.

Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:22 am
by ragedigital
I'm 5'11" and I fit on the 400 nicely, but it's a sport bike so "nicely" means "cramped" to the rest of the riding world. I like a tight fit though.
The FZR is a thin bike compared to newer bikes. I now own a 05 GSXR600 and the tank on it is feels so wide compared to the FZR.
Sit on the bike before you buy it...
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:39 pm
by DonTZ125
I'm 6'1 and 240lb, and I love my little FZR250. Mind you, I also used to race a TZ125!
A friend once accused me of looking like a gorilla doing something rude to a rollerskate...

Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:44 pm
by fzrbrandon
DonTZ125 wrote:A friend once accused me of looking like a gorilla doing something rude to a rollerskate...

Hey Don,
I think a picture may be in order here...

Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:17 pm
by DonTZ125
I don't actually have a lot of pics from my racing days - this is my fave.
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:39 pm
by _Will_
I think Brandon needs to reciprocate now.
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:51 am
by fzrbrandon
Nice Don. It's kind of cool to be able to see that picture without having to use a magnifying glass!
Hey Will,
Just so you guys can all have a laugh, I'll try to get a pic of me on my 600 (still putting the 400 back together). Wait! I just remembered that I have a pic from about 20 years ago when I had my '89. Excuse the pony-tailed long hair. LOL!
Oh, and I would sincerely appreciate it if all of you guys that are over 5'4" tall would stop complaining about not being able to flat-foot on your bikes. Whiners...

Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:17 pm
by _Will_
We need to show you to all the people who want to lower their bikes and ruin the ground clearance
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:53 pm
by Yamster
Cool 600,Brandon.
Not so sure about the hair do thou

Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:57 pm
by apsolus
brandon, you hipocrite! i need a magnifieing glass to see YOUR picture!! don look like a monkey f'ing a football
Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:51 pm
by DonTZ125
Click the man's pic - oh, look, a link!
I think the most 'wot the?!' aspect of my pic is the left knee, clearly ABOVE the tank...

Re: Do I really want a 400?
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:22 am
by fzrbrandon
apsolus wrote:brandon, you hipocrite! i need a magnifieing glass to see YOUR picture!! don look like a monkey f'ing a football
DonTZ125 wrote:Click the man's pic - oh, look, a link!
Hey Apsolus, How long have you been on this site???
DonTZ125 wrote:I think the most 'wot the?!' aspect of my pic is the left knee, clearly ABOVE the tank...

Seriously, you look like you're on a YSR50!