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Fox Shock Owners - Traxxion Collar

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:40 am
by ragedigital
Got a Fox Twin Clicker - get one of these to compliment it: ... 86141&rd=1

I have one on one of my TCs and it's very nice. No need for the dual locking collars and this has more holes for easier adjusments - PLUS, it doesn't require the use of that dang spanner wrench that has caused many a bloody knuckle.


Re: Fox Shock Owners - Traxxion Collar

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:23 am
by abs929cbrrr
you will just egg the holes out and then it wont fork right.

best design i have used is works shock collars. they have a tool sold withever new shock you put on a 3/8" ratchet and its mad simple, does not slip either.

Re: Fox Shock Owners - Traxxion Collar

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:55 am
by ShogunTX
Darn rage if I keep hanging out here I am going to go broke! I think it was you that sent me the link where I found my twin clicker!

Re: Fox Shock Owners - Traxxion Collar

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:58 pm
by ragedigital
Tell me about it... I've got this Hybrid going and am pretty much selling everything I own to get it going.

Re: Fox Shock Owners - Traxxion Collar

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:37 am
by yamaha_george
abs600fzrr wrote:you will just egg the holes out and then it wont fork right.

best design i have used is works shock collars. they have a tool sold withever new shock you put on a 3/8" ratchet and its mad simple, does not slip either.
+5 on the silly design & soft metal screwy
Now in stainless it would be polished and cool OR titanium & heat coloured WOOT