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Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:25 pm
by zero9243
So i was getting on an onramp to the freeway by my house to go northbound and this onramp is pretty long. Does this lazy S curve type thing and then starts going parallel with the freeway. At the end of the onramp, after the S when it starts to go parallel, there's a Yield sign that's pretty new (still being held up by sandbags, not in the ground). In any event, it's near the end of the onramp and i'm looking to my left to find a spot to merge into traffic, probably doing 50-55mph at this time.
All of a sudden i hear screeching in front of me. I look up and the car in front of me has her brakes locked up and i start to brake right away. The car in front of me hits a car that decided to stop at the yield sign, and i slam into the back right of the 2nd car and go flying. I did a flip in the air and landed on my butt/back and my right heel came down and smacked the ground. Also my knee hit the lady's trunk as i was beginning to fly over it, so it was bleeding.
I was riding the ninja 250 at the time. I was lucky enough to fly into the shoulder of the road and people came up to me immediately to see if i was ok. The lady that i hit asked me how i was and i said i didn't want to move until the paramedics got there, and she said ok and then LEFT THE SCENE. Someone got the lady's plate and the cops and ambulance showed up.
They put my in the ambulance and take my blood pressure which was super high, and checked out my knee that was bleeding. Knee wasn't that bad, just a scrape no stitches needed.
Then the highway sheriff came into the ambulance and gave me my "Inattentive driving" ticket, and gave me a sheet saying where my bike was getting towed to, pretty much adding insult to injury.
I went to the ER to have my foot xrayed cause it hurt quite a bit, but it ended up just being a bad bruise. So now my butt is all purple as well as my right heel, and my left knee is a little swollen and healing the scrape.
The ninja is in OK shape, i just picked it up from the tow lot today and a coolant pipe is busted and the shift lever is bent, and the left lower fairing is cracked, as well as the left turn signal and left mirror. I'll take some pics when I can.
This happened on Monday, and I took a few days off work to recover. I filed an insurance claim and haven't heard anything from any of the other parties involved yet. I'm glad i'm ok and also glad that this wasn't the FZR build. That would have been tragic.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:27 pm
by zero9243
I hope this map works, happened right at the A marker ... 10568&z=17
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:30 pm
by thatkid
Purple ass!!
Glad you are ok man. I don't want to have to finish your bike up on my own.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:42 pm
by ragedigital
Sucks to hear that, Dillon. Hope you recover well...
And, yes, I was the one who chopped up your post. Looked like you took a deep breath before typing and didn't stop till you were done.

Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:46 pm
by sweekster
Glad you're ok man. At least partially looking like the purple tella tubby is not permanent.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:11 pm
by thatkid
When I saw the topic, I thought HO NO not after all his hard work. Still sorry it's happened (thankfully not the FZR) both you & bike could be in a lot worse condition.
Sounds like someone didn't know the new sign was in place, going too fast then slamming the brakes on, causing the accident, everyone will have been looking left.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:21 pm
by zero9243
mawler wrote:When I saw the topic, I thought HO NO not after all his hard work. Still sorry it's happened (thankfully not the FZR) both you & bike could be in a lot worse condition.
Sounds like someone didn't know the new sign was in place, going too fast then slamming the brakes on, causing the accident, everyone will have been looking left.
I sure as heck didn't know the sign was there, nor did i think people actually came to a complete stop if they saw one. Upon further investigation online i guess it's fairly common as well as lawful to stop at a yieldsign, and wait for your spot to open up on the freeway, although I've never done it like that.
Thanks for the kind words guys!
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:24 pm
by zero9243
ragedigital wrote:Sucks to hear that, Dillon. Hope you recover well...
And, yes, I was the one who chopped up your post. Looked like you took a deep breath before typing and didn't stop till you were done.

Thanks for chopping it up. I've just told the story so many times to people it seems like work now. But thanks again

Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:35 pm
by thatkid
Oh I wasn't blaming anyone, (and defiantly not you) over here when a new sign goes up there's a warning sign say 100 meters before the new sign.
Does a Yield sign mean Stop, or Give way? Stopping on a onramp sounds/is pretty dangerous. If it doesn't mean Stop the guy @ the front who stopped is @ fault imo. Luckily I've never came across someone that's stopped on a ramp, otherwise same thing CRASH!!!!
Just glad your not to seriously injured.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:42 pm
by zero9243
mawler wrote:Oh I wasn't blaming anyone, (and defiantly not you) over here when a new sign goes up there's a warning sign say 100 meters before the new sign.
Does a Yield sign mean Stop, or Give way? Stopping on a onramp sounds/is pretty dangerous. If it doesn't mean Stop the guy @ the front who stopped is @ fault imo. Luckily I've never came across someone that's stopped on a ramp, otherwise same thing CRASH!!!!
Just glad your not to seriously injured.
Unfortunately as the law goes if you rear end anyone it's your fault. The lady that I hit drove away, but I think my insurance company is still going to try to contact her to try to pay for any damages to her car. The lady in front who stopped acted as if stopping at a yield sign is a normal thing she does, but was at least nice about coming to see if I was ok.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:48 pm
by thatkid
Yeah I know, Here its also against the law to stop on a motorway (freeway) unless of, accident/emergency, breakdown/puncture, or stopped by the cops.
The lady that stopped will probably get off scott free.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:45 pm
by kilika2
Hmmm I think I need to google this. In MO if you stop on the interstate on-ramp it's a big no no. There is always a yield sign but I'm pretty sure the law here is that you are to match speeds if not a little faster before merging into interstate traffic. I don't see how it could be your fault, since you were doing what you were suppose to do. Looking to see if you could merge. Now, on the other hand if you are getting OFF the interstate and are about to turn right onto the road that was just the overpass you aren't suppose to look at oncoming traffic until there is no one in front of you. That's how I got rear ended once. Lady behind me thought I went.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:05 pm
by thatkid
kilika2 wrote:Hmmm I think I need to google this. In MO if you stop on the interstate on-ramp it's a big no no. There is always a yield sign but I'm pretty sure the law here is that you are to match speeds if not a little faster before merging into interstate traffic. I don't see how it could be your fault, since you were doing what you were suppose to do. Looking to see if you could merge. Now, on the other hand if you are getting OFF the interstate and are about to turn right onto the road that was just the overpass you aren't suppose to look at oncoming traffic until there is no one in front of you. That's how I got rear ended once. Lady behind me thought I went.

it's a grey area.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:15 pm
by shift
zero9243 wrote:
Unfortunately as the law goes if you rear end anyone it's your fault. The lady that I hit drove away, but I think my insurance company is still going to try to contact her to try to pay for any damages to her car. The lady in front who stopped acted as if stopping at a yield sign is a normal thing she does, but was at least nice about coming to see if I was ok.
not sure what the law is in your state, but in virginia if you leave the scene of an accident you are involved in, i believe it's a felony. that lady may have fled the scene knowing she has no valid insurance, license, etc... all of which meaning she should have not been on public streets in the first place. if that's the case, she may be liable for your bike damages and injuries. i would advise you to get the law/insurance company/whoever to investigate this possibility.
good luck in healing up and getting your bike fixed.
Re: Got in my first accident
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:17 pm
by WSM
Glad to hear you made it out without any major damage (you and your ride).
What all were you wearing gear-wise?
As for entrance ramps/right turns on red, I learned my lesson from a couple close calls.
Now I typically slow down a bit, giving me plenty of room to match speeds with the flow of traffic.
Get well and get back in the saddle!