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car help, 02 impala aka the battery killer

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:35 pm
by _Will_
so here's the problem and the story
2002 Chevrolet Impala LS 3.8L 178k+/-

was giving me an issue with the security system so my buddy hooks it up to his code reader and decides to start the car and see what it says (I have no idea why). Lights start flickering like the car has a poltergeist then the battery dies. We jump it after cleaning the terminals some and get it going, no flickering lights and all is well. Runs fine for a couple of days then dies at a store, I get jumped again and head back to work. When I get out there's nothing, the jump box security has won't do much of anything and even connecting to a full sized truck for about 6 minutes didn't do it. Tow it home, put in a SECOND battery I keep in a project car and it starts right up. This works for just about 2 days and again nothing. Exact same situation but managed to get it jumped this time . Had the alternator tested and was fine, putting out like 14.4 or somewhere in that neighborhood. Once running the car is fine, just won't start again. Electrical is my weak point so please make any explanations in simple terms as best you can. When I tried to go somewhere today it was dead again after the jump last night. Oh, and the FZR despite sitting has performed near flawlessly minus a jump from the mower. Why doesn't Yamaha make a car banghead ?

Re: car help, 02 impala aka the battery killer

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:06 pm
by ragedigital
I would start with checking all of the GROUND connections to the frame. Clean them up real good.
_Will_ wrote:Why doesn't Yamaha make a car?
see Taurus SHO.

Re: car help, 02 impala aka the battery killer

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:20 pm
by haro504
well i know someone that has a chevy monty carlo and he kept running into his would randomly not turn over at weird times but after a day it was fine it was his battery terminals losing the connection and resetting his alarm system part of the anti theft it couldent be started for a set time period. also your not supposed to start the car with the code reader connected only turn it to run so if you started it you may have a computer problem now. your probally going to have to have it diagnoised at a dealer or might just be the ground on the engine check your connections on the other side of the battery cables

Re: car help, 02 impala aka the battery killer

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:17 pm
by _Will_
ragedigital wrote:I would start with checking all of the GROUND connections to the frame. Clean them up real good.
_Will_ wrote:Why doesn't Yamaha make a car?
see Taurus SHO.
there's another player in that vehicles I have my issues with

haro504 wrote:well i know someone that has a chevy monty carlo and he kept running into his would randomly not turn over at weird times but after a day it was fine it was his battery terminals losing the connection and resetting his alarm system part of the anti theft it couldent be started for a set time period. also your not supposed to start the car with the code reader connected only turn it to run so if you started it you may have a computer problem now. your probally going to have to have it diagnoised at a dealer or might just be the ground on the engine check your connections on the other side of the battery cables
I tend to agree with the code reader although he swears it only reads codes and can't do any harm. Didn't do it before , does it now is my logic but he's a long time friend so I'm not nailing him to the wall just yet. The GM passlock system is a known issues in Camaro's and Impala's and I'm sure more. Some blame the bcm but there are numerous reports of it being replaced and the issue not being fixed. The Impala system from what I've read is even more aggressive you might say. People have bypassed it with a push button so it'll turn over and the car almost immediately get's around that by shutting off fuel. Funny thing is the most likely culprit I'd read is simply bad connectors on the BCM which intermittent problem does normally = short.