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Dielectric Grease

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:11 pm
by thatkid
I'd never heard of "Dielectric Grease" before and can't source it locally in the UK only on-line. I only learnt of it here reading others posts.

I've done my research (Google), a local store have a silicon spray, which they claim gives the same protection. All aerosols contain additives (thinners) so I did not purchase. Some claim heat sink paste for CPUs is an equivalent, that stuff dries out so I doubt that claim.

I'm guessing Dielectric Grease has the same properties (seals, protects, and does not dry out) as Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly (which is inflammable) so that is out of the question.

I've found this on-line ... cts_id=227 is that the real deal?


Re: Dielectric Grease

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:24 pm
by kilika2
I'll send you some if you want. It's a clear paste. I have it on the out side of all the wires that go to the fuse box and it hasn't dried out. In fact where I spilled some on the ground it is still pastey.


Re: Dielectric Grease

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:30 pm
by reelrazor
Yeah, that's similar if not the same stuff I mention.

At 7.96(pounds) for a couple ounces(100g) it's pretty steep.

Go to your local auto parts store..check in the trailer/towing/trucking section and you can get whole quarts for less than that price. ... 0212865703

The auto parts stores usually have 1oz. tubes right in the 'sealants/lubes' section. Trailer towing folk use LOTS of the stuff and so their section's pricing reflects that.

Re: Dielectric Grease

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:23 pm
by thatkid
Thanks guys.

I would prefer a big tub, that kinda stuff I want lots of. I've checked the main automotive retailers sites, no mention of the stuff. I thought the price was very steep for 100g.

I've also discovered its used on speedboats e.t.c. I'm 8 miles from the coast, I'll go to the marine shops and enquire. If they don't have it I may take your offer (kilika2) obviously I would pay the costs of the product and shipping.

God damn British weather, no matter how many times I clean the connectors, they insist on corroding lol

Thanks again