thatkid wrote:I listed all my mods for the simple reason of Progressive covers up to 3k in mods if I carry comp. on my bike. Seemed like a no brainer to me. And my insurance is still only 250 a year with comp.
I'm not really sure what mines worth, I do know the insurance price goes up for every 500 GBP so I valued it @ £999 If you over value it they only pay the market value, so you are paying extra money for nothing. Some of the upgrades/mods had an option to add value to the bike. That's what I was unsure about.
So I think you have answered my question Thank You.
I value the bike @ £999 add the mods and select the price increase = they pay out? Yes.
The reason I was considering TPFT was I hate owing money and like to pay in full rather than monthly instalments. I'm looking to mod/upgrade the forks, (RoadDogma is giving me great advice Thank You) I've recently bought other parts and are a little strapped for cash, I always like to have some funds in reserve for rainy days. It's definitely going to be fully comp pay monthly or maybe depending on the cost payment in full.
I took the family 9 people to Orlando last year cost me 13k. I put the Disney, Seaworld E.T.C tickets on the CC intending to pay it off in full when I got Home. The exhaust fell off the car £250, Rear puncture on the Bike £115, £140 Extra on my CC, they had to upgrade the cars to 3.5 Dodge Chargers, TV blew up £499, Daughters laptop fried £399, So there's outstanding debt on the CC

. It was a fantastic holiday, You have a beautiful Country and the food was excellent, except in the parks.
Again thank You for the input it's been a great help.