GH:- all you wanted to know about Carbs (a book to buy !)

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GH:- all you wanted to know about Carbs (a book to buy !)

Post by yamaha_george »

well for those of you who read the latest posts will know that TK got me OLAV AAEN's "Carb. Tuning Handbook"

This is not a "book" book as such but a publication rather like the size of a bike magazine, and as such is it is absolutely spot on in both size & content !

I have now read it twice since i received it from TK. yesterday. The explanations of the various types of MIKUNI carbs (which is the make the book is based on) is absolutely crystal clear.

every circuit of each type of carb is explained, what it effects & how to tune it!!

There is even a small chapter on our CV type Mikuni's at the very end which was highly informative since I am / was a 2 stroke tuner.

There is a chapter devoted to various tools the home tuner can use to make his/her life simpler Plus a couple of pages devoted to "gadget" for the carbs

All that said @ 30USD I consider this book a must have for any bikers/ATV/snomobile owners bookshelf right next to the SUDCO MiKuni book (whose explanations are NOT as good as Olav's in my humble opinion)
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