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FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:26 pm
by Kaje
I just got done taking the MSF course. I was able to do a figure 8 just within the limits on a little 250cc suzuki cruiser style bike. i got back out on the road with my fzr, and i dont know if the road is not as wide, or im more nervous considering the sand on the sides, but what is the u-turn radius on an FZR? also, are all bikes relatively the same? (noob question) RRBike

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:11 pm
by delvryboy
I'm headed out to the dmv tonight or tomorrow night to try it just for shits and giggles. I think its possible if you get a lot of counter weight on it. Maybe slide your ass off a little.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:08 pm
by Fizzinatorr
Thread Jack


Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:02 pm
by delvryboy
It has a '92 race fairing that was cut out to hold 2 3" Autozone driving lights. They sucked as HL's, I couldn't ride down a dark street.

I've always liked the duals over the single, so I've been picking up the parts on the super cheap for the last 8 months. I had to have HL's though, so the below is what you get.

I have a '98 front end ready to go on, but I'm going to fighter it now. Just got my seca II upper today.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:13 pm
by Kaje
im going to :hijack: your :hijack:

So basically, you have to be a more skilled rider... eh.. i guess i got some work to do... =]

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:32 pm
by delvryboy
Well, you took the MSF, so you learned the proper way to do it. Just go ahead and apply everything you did on that cruiser to your bike. Personally, I rode a cruiser for like 10 minutes and then switched to one of those 225cc dual sports. I was killin some corners on knobbies in a torrential down pour. :D

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:41 pm
by Kaje
stupid MSF course only had 1 dual sport, 1 Ninja, and the rest cruisers. i wanted the ninja, someone else got it. =[

But at least i showed the guy up. i got a 97%. highest in my class. Cruisin

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:10 am
by delvryboy
Yeah, I just took it this weekend. I'm tempted to take it again just cause I had so much fun.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:29 am
by Kaje
It's a bit to expensive for me to take it again.. but however, i would like to take the experienced riders course in a year or two. =]

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:10 am
by ragedigital
Go to a local Track Day and do some Novice classes. You can learn a lot and it's very safe.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:43 am
by delvryboy
Kaje wrote:It's a bit to expensive for me to take it again.. but however, i would like to take the experienced riders course in a year or two. =]
Got ya. It's free here.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:08 am
by yamaha_george
ragedigital wrote:Go to a local Track Day and do some Novice classes. You can learn a lot and it's very safe.
Track days for the novice (track day virgins courses) are the best thing going teach you how to "read" the corners and look where you are going .
Will make you more aware of your surroundings instead of watching yourself & the next 5 yards of road..

Braking technique and body balance will come from that over time but you at least will not have to "unlearn" bad habits like us old guys LoL.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:51 pm
by Kaje
They actually teach that at MSF, i dont look at the ground right in front now. but i live in the middle of nowhere... i would like to learn stuff for the track.. that would be awesome. but lucky me. i live in the middle of no where. god. i can't wait till i'm done with this god forsaken college so i can move somewhere warmer..

but, anyways, that doesnt have to do much with the FZR's U-Turn radius. besides the fact you have to look through the u-turn.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:16 pm
by thatkid
Kaje wrote: but, anyways, that doesnt have to do much with the FZR's U-Turn radius. besides the fact you have to look through the u-turn.

I'm guessing the experienced riders (who gave you advice) already know that fact.

U-Turn radius is determined by wheelbase, the angle of the front wheel, and rear wheel spin.

Do some experiments, and inform of the U-Turn radius. I for one don't really care.

Re: FZR U-Turn Radius

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:01 pm
by haro504
well i find my 89fzr600 has a much tighter turn radius than the 02gsxr750 i had that thing would barely do the circles and i had to actually turn the wheel all the way and balence myself to make the turns and at an idel in 1st the slowest was either 5 or 7 mph cant remember. but here your supposed to do the test in the dimentions of the width of a road. i took my test when it was snowing cause they wont cancel them here and if you dont go you pay for it anyway should have seen the looks i got