7 minutes of awesome (stupidity)

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7 minutes of awesome (stupidity)

Post by Fizzinatorr »

Motorcycle footage, crash, craziness you name it

some old and seen before

lots that are brand new to me

Music doesn't make me want to kill kitty cats either

8 Bikes so far...more coming too...Image

Finished my 2000 GSXR 750 -> Link here viewtopic.php?f=68&t=3617
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Re: 7 minutes of awesome

Post by ragedigital »

I get the wheelies and stoppies. If I could afford to have a bike that was properly set-up to play around with, I would love to learn. I simply don't have the money to wreck my bike like that.

The guy at 6:26 was probably handing out his insurance information to 4-5 guys who were ready to cream him. That was moronic!
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Re: 7 minutes of awesome

Post by yamaha_george »

ragedigital wrote:I get the wheelies and stoppies. If I could afford to have a bike that was properly set-up to play around with, I would love to learn. I simply don't have the money to wreck my bike like that.

The guy at 6:26 was probably handing out his insurance information to 4-5 guys who were ready to cream him. That was moronic!
Unfortunately MORONIC seems to be something to emulate and be hero worshiped these days ,

still the organ donor network flourishes and the spare parts market for Gixxers does well :rofl:
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