I copied and pasted from FB because I'm a lazy ass. But pretty much serves for warning. All the assholes are out so keep your head up.
Chris Harms
Some dumb bitch almost killed me. I chewed her so hard in the ER lot, security had to come before I punched her chicken head in the neck.9 hours ago via Facebook for Android · Comment ·
Phil Uranza
Was she an employee?.. I can take her out for you Ninja Style.
9 hours ago ·
Chris Harms
No, some chicken head. I told her I was gonna rip the fake diamonds out her nails and shove them so far down her throat she wouldn't be able to snap her neck no more.
8 hours ago ·
Heather M Moore
Wow..what happened
8 hours ago ·
Roy Peterson
hahahahahaahah....awsome.....damn Chicken Heads
8 hours ago ·
Chris Harms
She made a left in directly in front of me while I was doing about 25. I had nowhere to swerve because I had oncoming traffic to the left and a tree to the right, besides, she was too close. I decided to try and stop/slow hard and hopefully not go down until she was clear. The last thing I wanted to do was hit her, I would of been f*ck. However, with these nasty upgraded brakes and fresh sticky pavement, I ended up doing a stoppie, the rear wheel came up about 3-4 feet and I brought it back down and continued on my way when she cleared.
Chris Harms
Clear head, fast reaction time= FTW. In a way, I'm glad it happened, I got to test some skills in a real world scenario.
8 hours ago ·
Chris Harms
I actually went about my way and went to park, but I was so pissed, I made a U and chased her down.
8 hours ago ·
Chris Harms
BTW - If I was riding a Harley I would of been in the ER right now. Fyi.
Keep your head up.
Moderators: Site Director, FZR Forum Moderators
Keep your head up.
'92 FZR600
Race Tech Springs & Gold Valve Emulators * '06 R6 MC & Calipers * '06 R6 Rear Shock
130 Dynojet Mains/Pods/Flo-Comander * Full Yoshi Exhaust w/ Custom Can
'06 R6 VR * Full OEM Clutch * 14/49 520 Gearing
Seca II Triple w/ Modded Sport Tour Bars * Aztec8 Dual 4" w/ 4100K Halagon lamps * LED Tail/Turn Signals * Vapor Gauges
Lots of Powder

Race Tech Springs & Gold Valve Emulators * '06 R6 MC & Calipers * '06 R6 Rear Shock
130 Dynojet Mains/Pods/Flo-Comander * Full Yoshi Exhaust w/ Custom Can
'06 R6 VR * Full OEM Clutch * 14/49 520 Gearing
Seca II Triple w/ Modded Sport Tour Bars * Aztec8 Dual 4" w/ 4100K Halagon lamps * LED Tail/Turn Signals * Vapor Gauges
Lots of Powder

Re: Keep your head up.
Yup. Sounds like a day in the life of all of us.
Luckily, I can ride my bicycle to work on the weekdays, but I still find myself doing a stoppie-a-day on that to avoid oblivious motorists/peds.
I save the FZR stoppies for the weekends, when all I have to dodge are stray mutts and cows in rural VA...
Here is a similar one, worth reading:
http://www.msgroup.org/forums/mtt/topic ... C_ID=11820
Luckily, I can ride my bicycle to work on the weekdays, but I still find myself doing a stoppie-a-day on that to avoid oblivious motorists/peds.
I save the FZR stoppies for the weekends, when all I have to dodge are stray mutts and cows in rural VA...
Here is a similar one, worth reading:
http://www.msgroup.org/forums/mtt/topic ... C_ID=11820
1998 FZR600
All Original, except for a custom saddlebag set up. A machine shop buddy of mine seamlessly fitted two GS bags on the rear end for last summers ride.
30,000+ odo

All Original, except for a custom saddlebag set up. A machine shop buddy of mine seamlessly fitted two GS bags on the rear end for last summers ride.
30,000+ odo

Re: Keep your head up.
Glad to hear you dodged that one. I have a problem keeping my mouth shut as well. I figure ...if they didn't see me and cut me off. They don't know they cut me off and are certain to do it again to someone else. So ...I make sure I tell them "Loud and Clear". I'm never sorry if a little spit hits them in the process. Marbles get there attention too. 

"In like Flynn"