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PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:18 am
by james8026
i have a 94 fzr 600 and i need some help im going insane. i have spark on cyl 1 and 4, not 2 and 3 , but if i switch the wires from 1 an 4 to 2 an 3 i get spark so my top coils are good. i have traced all my wires and they are whole and intact. i have replaced my cdi. i took off my stator but i don't think that is the problem because i wouldn't have any spark at all if it was voltage regulator had a lil burn spot under it but once again i don't think if that was bad it would had spark at all. maybe a pickup coil? i don't know where to find my pickup coil but im going nuts and need to know what else to look for. my stator wires go right to my voltage regulator so thats why i dunno and the other two little wires from the stator go to my cdi.HELPP MEEEEEE argh very f'in frustrated
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 11:16 am
by yamaha_george
james8026 wrote:i have a 94 fzr 600 and i need some help im going insane. i have spark on cyl 1 and 4, not 2 and 3 , but if i switch the wires from 1 an 4 to 2 an 3 i get spark so my top coils are good.
James ,
that is ambiguous which wires from ! & 4 did you change the ones from the HT coils to the plugs or the fine wires that go to the HT coils from the TCI?
ALL that proves is that the signal from the TCI works for 1 & 4 & that both sets of HT coils workas do the HT wires & the plugs.
The suspect then must be the TCI or the signal to the TCI for 2 & 3.
The most common is the TCI itself burning out the final switching transistor.
Repairs for this are in the WIKI.
i have traced all my wires and they are whole and intact. i have replaced my cdi.
Have you seen that TCI (NOT CDI) working on another bike ?
i took off my stator but i don't think that is the problem because i wouldn't have any spark at all if it was voltage regulator had a lil burn spot under it but once again i don't think if that was bad it would had spark at all. maybe a pickup coil? i don't know where to find my pickup coil but im going nuts and need to know what else to look for. my stator wires go right to my voltage regulator so thats why i dunno and the other two little wires from the stator go to my cdi.HELPP MEEEEEE argh very f'in frustrated
The same pickup coils supplies both 1& 4 + 2 &3 just different lumps on the flywheel act as the signal pulser.
If your VR is dodgy that may explain why the TCI is burned, a buggered VR have a habit of frying the electrics.What VR is it the old tin can variety or a more modern finned casting? the charging voltage should be 13.8V <?> from memory @ 3K revs any more then the VR is Kaput.
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:06 am
by james8026
no i have not what is the tci an where do i locate it and how do i tell if its bad i'm almost sure the vr is screwed because of the burn but i'd assume that there would be more electricity to everything and i guess i know that would burn electronics but what would make only 2 cylinders fire unless the tci controls that please elaborate this is my first bike i dont know much about em i mostly work on cars so i have some principle knowlege just not sure of the componants in the electrical. thanks
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:17 am
by james8026
oh and the fine wires on the back of the coils i never switched the plugs themselfs i just wanted to test the coil for 2 and 3 so i switched the fine wires from one to the other and the coil sparked so i was just making sure both top coils would put out spark hoping it was an easy fix
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:41 am
by james8026
k just did a lil research the tci is still the ignitor box i did not see it working on another bike it was an ebay deal BUT the other box did the same no fire on 2 an 3 is that common because id think it would fry the whole box not just 2 cyl but like i said i have no clue man do you know anyone with parts from a wreck or something i'd hate to get screwd again this is getting expensive the signal would come from where just so i can double check
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:16 am
by yamaha_george
that is clearer :-}
the TCI is the ignitor box (my bad) by changing the fine wires we have established that the sparkplugs, HT wires & the HT coils are OK
That means that it is definitely the Ignitor box BOTH of them :-{
If you look in the WIKI you woill find my name sake TRIFgeorge found that the boxes can be opened and repaired quite easily & the transistor replaced some one else came up with a code number for a swap out to a better type of "transistor" that switches the pulses to the HT coils called DARLINGTON transistors.
The question now is do you or do you have a pal who does electronics that can switch out the bad transistor for you?
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:34 am
by james8026
yes i do have a friend thats good with computer boards and could possibly help me. i didn't reilize there were 2 boxes i have the black box under the seat (ignitor) where is the other one located. also i have the shit stock vr so i need to upgrade to an r6 unit. will i be able to tell which transistor is burned?
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:38 am
by james8026
by code numeber do you mean a certain darlington size or part number or reference to a webpage if page url plz
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:56 am
by trifgeorge
James, you understood wrong. You do not have 2 black boxes( TCI units) on the bike. You only have one on the bike. You wrote earlier that you bought another TCI unit to replace the one that was bad on your bike from the begining and yamaha_george said that both TCI units (the one you had the first time and the one that you bought after) are bad. They can be repaired. Here is the WIKI link . You have everything that you need to know in there.
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:08 pm
by james8026
thanks very much i appriciate your help.. i pulled my tdi box out and it was that relay that controls 2 an 3 or but the board is burned pretty good soo i will probably have to replace the box for piece of mind which really sucks but im glad to know whats wrong its almost relaxing at this point if you can believe that.i need to know will i have to change my wire harness plug to the voltage regulator if i upgrade from stock to an r6?
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:12 pm
by trifgeorge
If the wires are in good condition, no, you will not have to change them. You can check their condition by verifying their continuity with an ohmeter.
My TCI board was pretty burned as well. The board is made of some resin stuff and it has the circuits put inside the resin, so if the circuits are ok (clean the board with acetone), and the conections that are coming to the transistor's pins are in good shape, then replacing that faulty transistor is all that you need to do. My other 2 cents on this is to change both transistors, as the other one might not be working at full capacity ( it might have been affected by the high voltage too). And don't try to start it with the old regulator on anymore.
And if the voltage regulator has caused a drop of higher voltage in to the sistem, than i would check the baterry fluid level too, as the battery might be very close to beeing dry.
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:23 pm
by yamaha_george
Thanks TGeo. my english was confusing James it seems .
Re: PLEASE help me spark issues
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:43 pm
by DonTZ125
Yamaha George - I think it was your accent...
The clever lad with the replacement parts was me: