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Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:20 am
by matt628
Can any one help me I hav no fire on cylinders 1-4 what could this be. I used a test light on the wires comeing out of the box an when you crank it over they all work up to the coil packs the plug wire have a good light on 2-3 but 1-4 the light is week could the. Coil packs hav gone bad.
Re: fire
Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:23 am
by haro504
probally bad coil 1 and 4 are on the same coil there is a resistance check you can do to verify if the coil is bad
Re: fire
Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:31 am
by DonTZ125
Check your caps on that coil; the caps screw into the wire, the joint can degrade, and you might have to trim it back 1/2". The cap itself might be bad; check with an ohmmeter (5k, I believe - check the manual).
Re: fire
Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:45 am
by yamaha_george
DonTZ125 wrote:Check your caps on that coil; the caps screw into the wire, the joint can degrade, and you might have to trim it back 1/2". The cap itself might be bad; check with an ohmmeter (5k, I believe - check the manual).
Quick & dirty change the the input leads from 2&3 to 1-4 seee if it sparks then if yes its the TCI if no its the coil pack in most cases.
Re: fire
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:41 pm
by matt628
I got a new tci off ebay. I took the old one apart an it was burned when I got the new o.e today I took it apart an nuthing is burned. But u still hav no spark on 1-4 I trimed the plug wires down still nothing any help would be very app
Re: fire
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:06 pm
by thatkid
Did you check the coil resistances, as haro advised?
Did you swap the input leads, as Geo advised?
Re: fire
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:12 pm
by DonTZ125
Did you check the cap resistances?
Re: fire
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:04 pm
by matt628
Ok its. The coill pack thanks for all ur help. Now where can I get one cheap
Re: fire
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:45 pm
by yamaha_george
matt628 wrote:Ok its. The coill pack thanks for all ur help. Now where can I get one cheap
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