Carb cleaning question
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Carb cleaning question
I am working on cleaning the carbs but I dont want to worry about resyncing them and all that jazz. I was wondering if I just pulled the caps off each end and cleaned the body real good and the main and starter jets would I still have to sync them?
Let me know,
Let me know,
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Re: Carb cleaning question
Any time you make a serious movement of the carbs by cleaning jets (nylon fish line only) you alter the way the carb responds to your right hand and for best results a re-synch is required . depends if you like wasting money on using more fuel for less performance.unreal3z wrote:I am working on cleaning the carbs but I dont want to worry about resyncing them and all that jazz. I was wondering if I just pulled the caps off each end and cleaned the body real good and the main and starter jets would I still have to sync them?
Let me know,
Re: Carb cleaning question
Will do, Thanks.
I do have another question. As far as the floats go, when they are removed do i need to reset the height? or can i just put the pin back in and they go back to the way they were?
I do have another question. As far as the floats go, when they are removed do i need to reset the height? or can i just put the pin back in and they go back to the way they were?
Re: Carb cleaning question
Best to check the float heights, while you clean/service the carbs, not to difficult and best of all it's cost free. Look in the WIKI "HOW-TO: Everything you need to know about carburetors" really good info in there.
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Re: Carb cleaning question
+5 on the advice . With constant use the floats will go "off spec" and need resetting may be once every 4 years or so.mawler wrote:Best to check the float heights, while you clean/service the carbs, not to difficult and best of all it's cost free. Look in the WIKI "HOW-TO: Everything you need to know about carburetors" really good info in there.
Re: Carb cleaning question
You all have been very helpful. I went ahead and set the floats they were really low about 19 or 20 mm. I bumped them to 22 or 23. My bike does have an aftermarket exhaust and that is the only reason I can think they were set so low but the bike didn't really run well when I bought it a few days ago, thus the carb cleaning. Now I am about to sync the carbs tomorrow and i found the picture of the sync tool on the wiki I posed this question on that thread but in case it doesn't get answered early enough I'll ask it here too, "Is there a specific length that the clear tube going to the carbs has to be cut to? Also what type of oil do you use? And finally does the the tube going between the two bottles get completely submerged in the oil?"
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Re: Carb cleaning question
unreal3z wrote:You all have been very helpful.
Your welcomeI posed this question on that thread but in case it doesn't get answered early enough I'll ask it here too, "Is there a specific length that the clear tube going to the carbs has to be cut to? Also what type of oil do you use? And finally does the the tube going between the two bottles get completely submerged in the oil?"
Ok the lengths going to the carbs is to suit you and where you put the bottles
Yes the interconnection between the bottles should be immersed in the fluid
I was always under the impression the fluid was water <?>

Suggest you re-read the how-to make the tools as I am not sure but think it was spelled out if not YELL so we can fix the WIKI cannot have holes like that in it !!!!
From another thread with similar content the liquid can be ATF or 2 stroke oil if you use water the overflow hoses need to be long as water rises VERY quickly & can wash everything in site seems the light oils (cooking oil is cheap) might be the better way to go.
Re: Carb cleaning question
Alright I think I am at my last couple of questions before I give this a shot. during the syncing process should the bike be warmed up? Also what about the choke position. One problem I do have is that the choke lever is broken on my bike and I am not sure which way is open or closed. So if anyone can tell me if the choke slide pins go in for closed or open that would be helpful also.
Re: Carb cleaning question
Engine should be @ normal operating temp (hot) choke shoud be closed (slider's in) on the lever down is off (push towards front of bike) up is on (pull towards rear of bike).
Re: Carb cleaning question
Thanks to all of you I now have a functioning bike. I cleaned the carbs, set the floats to about 22 or 23 mm, syncronized the carbs with my home made tool thanks to the wiki, drained the old gas and cleaned the chunks of sediment out of the main line out of the gas tank. Now she is running smooth and not sputtering through acceleration or cutting off. Thank you all very much, I will be donating to the site next pay check!
For the future if the bike appears to be running rich or lean I just need to adjust the floats?
For the future if the bike appears to be running rich or lean I just need to adjust the floats?
Re: Carb cleaning question
Glad to here you got her running as she should.
If the bike appears to be running rich or lean, check back here with any symptoms before you rip the carbs apart again, be optimistic she's guna be fine
If the bike appears to be running rich or lean, check back here with any symptoms before you rip the carbs apart again, be optimistic she's guna be fine