besoin d aide adapter boucle arriere gsxr

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besoin d aide adapter boucle arriere gsxr

Post by jojo13009 »

est ce que quelqu un aurait deja fait ou saurait me renseigner car je voudrais adapter un carenage de 1000 gsxr sur mon 1000 fzr exup .de 1989 ...
la boucle arriere me pose probleme .... est elle adaptable?? faut il refaire des soudures ???? screwy RRBike
quelqu un pourrait il me renseigner ??????
merci d avance les gras

need help adapting loop back gsxr

Postby jojo13009 "Sun May 02, 2010 9:18 pm
is what someone would have already done or one can inform me because I want to fit a fairing on my 1000 gsxr 1000 fzr EXUP. ... 1989
loop back problem wonder .... is it adaptable?? he must redo the welds???? screwy RRBike
someone I could learn a ??????
thank you ahead of the fatty
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Re: besoin d aide adapter boucle arriere gsxr

Post by zero9243 »

vous voulez monter un carénage d'un Gixxer à votre fzr?

English: You want to mount a fairing of a Gixxer your fzr?
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Re: besoin d aide adapter boucle arriere gsxr

Post by ragedigital »

Anyone fluent in French and I don't mean the "kissing" sort?
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Re: besoin d aide adapter boucle arriere gsxr

Post by DonTZ125 »

The only phrase that's sticking is 'boucle arriere' - I'm fairly certain that's 'rear subframe'.

He wants to mount a GSXR1000 fairing to his '89 EXUP FZR1000. The concern he has is the rear subframe - is there any rewelding that has to happen? (I assume he's talking about mounting the GSXR subframe)
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