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Oil Level markings

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:59 pm
by DonTZ125
We just had a discussion over on the Archives regarding the markings on the oil sight glass, and how they were to be read with the bike vertical. This being a bit of a pain, I had a sudden brain flash. This might be a good idea to do at an oil change or other minor-major teardown:
  • Drain the oil.
    Apply a small patch of paint (engineer's blue, or whatever) on either side of the sight glass.
    With the bike upright, ensure you have enough oil to just reach the 'LOW' line on the window.
    Allow the bike to lean on its sidestand.
    Once the oil level stabilises, scribe a level mark in the paint.
    With the bike once again upright, add oil until it reaches the 'HIGH' line on the window.
    Allow the bike to lean on its sidestand.
    Once the oil level stabilises, scribe a level mark in the paint.
You now have oil markings calibrated for use on the kick stand.

Am I good or what?! :-D

Re: Oil Level markings

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:35 pm
by DonTZ125
Answering my own post - 'Am I good' rather presumes that the oil is visible AT ALL once the bike is tipped on its stand, a question which I am not currently in a position to check... banghead

Re: Oil Level markings

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:37 pm
by reelrazor
Yeah, great concept, Don...BUT the oil is below the sight glass on sidestand.

I usually just stick my right toe under teh front wheel and grip the right clip-on whilst I crouch and look.

Never had teh bike come down on me...YET...;-)

Re: Oil Level markings

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:41 pm
by DonTZ125
Yeah, had a few ideas like that lately. Brilliant, cunning, simple, make life easier - and completely fail the reality check.

Is it Friday yet?! :drink: