OK Watch the video and post if you have the balls to do this.. i"m the first "NO"
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:49 am
by cad600
I didn't even make it past the first 10 seconds and I can say - OH HELL NO! I'm chicken of heights.
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:59 am
by manveru
would i do it by myself? no, with a group or another person, probably
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:01 pm
by ragedigital
Not gonna happen... One loose larger rock and it's all over...
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:40 pm
by old_school
While it looks like fun, I just don't have the balls to do it.. and that was all loose rubble
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:22 pm
by thatkid
I'll do it, and have done it, on a mtn bike. Not so much on a dirt bike. Not as comfortable.
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:32 pm
by Brutal Tooth
is that it?
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:45 pm
by old_school
Yeah TK and you have posted pics.. So your "Yes" is not surprising .. Looks like our new member Brtual is a "Yes" as well.. The video makes you feel like you are on the bike.. I can feel my hair stand on end when he comes to the cliff edges.
I did a similar ride in Nevada on horse it was crazy.. The guide said "Hang on to the horse, we haven't had one commit suicide yet.."
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:02 am
by Brutal Tooth
It's not a tight rope he is riding on, its a 3 ft ledge at minimum. Isn't it said that CBR's can ride on balance beams because they are such nimble STREET bikes?
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:30 am
by reelrazor
Brutal Tooth wrote:It's not a tight rope he is riding on, its a 3 ft ledge at minimum. Isn't it said that CBR's can ride on balance beams because they are such nimble STREET bikes?
Yep, I'd do it.
The camera has a wide angle lens....I think the distortion makes it seem narrower than it really is.
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:57 am
by yamaha_george
You guys are not alive,
My business partner Brian & I rode / ride the Jungles here on the island and narrow mountain ledges are very common. What you may not realize is that the ledge looks to be about 3ft minimum and the rock face at bar level is cut back by the slope (at least there are no F*ing vines hanging about to snatch a lever (hence brush guards)) and the other side is free air.
the other thing is that once you turn on to that path there is NO way to turn back so it hold yer nuts & go brave. LoL
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:44 am
by old_school
I'm just a bitch. it's the free air part i was worried about YG .. and the path isn't flat..
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:23 am
by yamaha_george
[quote="old_school" and the path isn't flat..[/quote]
Doesn' t seem top worry you or anyone else too much any other time
unless you believe the earth is flat <BG>
Just cause I have the time :-
My Brother John and I were riding thro the Jungle on a pre -race recci one saturday (thats right MX racing thro the jungle covered mountains of the Island Northern range) roughly 3 miles aloop in 3 different loops.
SO we came out to some pitch road on the outskirts of the village then cut of on a 10 ft wide ledge that the locals use to get down to the river. I was in the lead concentrating and did not miss my brother, got to the river looking for a good place to cross , decided to get off and study the river abit more when I spotted ayoung woman having abath in the river, nice scenery in the Jungle . Then my brother comes along minnus bike so I figured he had spotted the girl too and did not want to alarm her. Turns out he had "lost" the bike . so we get on mine and go back up. Well he found alarge rock to hit (shit bro it aint big enough for you to see!!) and then I had to climb down the gorge tie the bike and we pull it up, then I notice he is bleeding .
When I look he has a1.5 " gash under the chin where the headlamp fairing / dust shield had hit him.
Well that was the end of that recci.
The next Sunday was the race the first part of the loop had us all well bunched up and I was leading on to this same wide track down to the river, turn a corner to find a young couple laid out on the newspaper covered ground doing what young people do naturally when they think no one is around . Well they leap up outer the way to the cheers of 30 + rider all of whom slow down to admire the scenery, Well I am racing when I suddenly notice that down in the ruver another couple is busy on a big flat rock in the river, concentration lapse I hit that same damned rock my brother had hit the week before.
Iam dazed by the fall and picked up by the safety rider at the rear of the pack. Trouble is I cannot find my bike!
Scratching my head I look up to see my bike caught on a tree branch by the rear fender & the throttle cable.
So the marshalls at the river have held the riders (for safety as no safety rider has yet appeared. the couple on the rock have vanished. Volunteers have gone up to lower my bike out of the trree and once every ones back at the river we start off in two's as we have arrived. Then someone spots that my red Jersey is wet yup you got it with blood my brother & I now have matching scars.
Anyways I ride on and the loop comes back to this same river and the path coming back to ride the 3rd loop.
I have managed to get to 2nd place turn a corner with the leader to find a bloody car has blocked 2/3rds of the path .
Slow right down as we have to go between the car & the mountain wall.
Only to see a naked butt obviously female almost against the window & her boy sprawled out on the back seat with her head in his lap.. apparently according to the after race de-briefing the young woman was oblivious to the 30+ guys admiring her butt and did not break rythem.
We all swore that we would all go back some day to collect a water sample as it must be something in the water that kept them busy.
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:00 am
by _Will_
I'm not good with heights so it'd take some practice, there's a section of mountain bike trail here where it's maybe a 5-8ft drop into a swamp with trees down and such and I always overcompensate and end up running my handlebar into the sheer wall on the other side of the trail. The trail itseld if maybe 2.5ft wide
Re: Time to "Man up" could you do this???
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:26 am
by yamaha_george
_Will_ wrote:I'm not good with heights so it'd take some practice, there's a section of mountain bike trail here where it's maybe a 5-8ft drop into a swamp with trees down and such and I always overcompensate and end up running my handlebar into the sheer wall on the other side of the trail. The trail itseld if maybe 2.5ft wide
We tend to use "brush guards" to stop snagging of :- bars, levers etc.
If you look at "Patriot" on my website you will see it has Stainless steel 10G bash plate / sump guard the foot levers have stainless steel wire thro them to the bash plate to act as brush cutters, very high fenders to stop mud build up slowing the bike down (yup the mud can be so thick as to suck your MX boots off if you get stuck in it.
The foot rests are just bent strip iron welded to the folding joint with teeth on to stop your feet slipping . The tank is double the standard capacity by raising the top to horizontal and lowering it floor at the rear and then welding it all closed with slosh stips in side. Note the saety seat to stop the tender bits hitting metal in the event of you mis-timing a wheely to clear rocks or logs.
If you are going into rough terrain Prepare prepare prepare & tell someone the route so they know where to send the coroners people not just watch for vultures LoL