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FZR 400 rebuild

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:20 am
by Kahlil27
Ok people will probably think I'm crazy but I have never rebuilt a motor and I'm gonna try and rebuild my FZR 400. I pretty much want to do everything to do a complete overhaul. My first question is what needs to be done? ie for top end and bottom end. For the top end I think I need to pull out the old pistons, get a rebore, and replace with new pistons and rings (am I correct so far?). Is that essentially the top end?
Secondly what needs to be done to the bottom end. Is it just a matter of replacing some bearings? Could someone please help me? I really want to do this so I can learn how the whole bike works for future work and also cause I feel that its important to understand how it all works. I'm in no rush as it's along term project and a bit of an obsession of mine to learn how to rebuild a bike. So I'm sure some will laugh but I'm determined to do it even if it ends up costing a little more than paying for it to be done. I have the bike pulled down to the stage where the motor is pretty much out (but its still in the frame) and the tappet cover is off. Now I have the cam chain staring at me and I've come to a halt as I dont want to cut it untill I know where I'm going. So any mechanics/efficianados that want a bit of entertainment guiding me through it here's your chance- MUCH appreciated.
Also is there a site that tells you step-by-step how to do it, preferably with color pics? I know its a lot to ask but hey, if you dont ask then you dont get.
Ok Thanks Gents- I eagerly await any advice/ help on the matter.

Re: FZR 400 rebuild

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:39 am
by 95FZR600
Are you still here? Is it done yet? Where are the pics?

Your correct. Dont forget to hone the cylinders and check for wear. Replace all bearings in bottom half. Good luck!

Re: FZR 400 rebuild

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:44 am
by YAM93
Get a Clymer manual before you go any further. I've never ripped into an engine, even though I have this wrench icon. Hmm... I just realized you said FZR400. I haven't seen any of those Clymer manuals around lately, but you should at least look. Hopefully some engine experts will reply to you soon.

Welcome to the site.

Re: FZR 400 rebuild

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:55 pm
by ragedigital
I would most certainly pick up an FZR400 Yamaha Manual. I have a full 400 engine at my house in pieces right now and was considering that very thing. Instead, I'm selling off the parts.

I applaud you for doing it, but make sure you do it right. One little mishap could mean tearing it all apart again.

Good luck!
